Part 2

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Huldra was walking angry at her "beloved" roommates. Again the elves made her look like a laughingstock. Again! This infuriated Huldra unbearably and hurt her self-esteem. Huldra's kin thought she was a loser and constantly teased her, but this time they went too far. Again, she freaked out and left, but THIS TIME the elves took away her moose.

- "Why do they dislike me so much?" - Huldra thought.

She, too, had changed over the years. She looked more feminine, wore her hair down to her shoulders and curly. She was only a couple of inches taller, and in comparison, she was shorter than Tumbler and Snapper.

- "That reminds me of those silly trolls!" - Huldra resented. - "Piss off with their stupid stuff!"

Huldra walked and was angry, despite her feet. A shriek was heard, and before she could understand anything, Huldra fell over. Beside her was laying a dazed Snapper, rubbing his head. Huldra thought that forever this Snapper had been lying in her way, both literally and figuratively. Huldra had already prepared to hear a snicker, but Snapper was too upset by the events of last night. Do you think Huldra was feeling pity to him? Though she hadn't figured out what was wrong with him, she couldn't help the taunting.

Huldra: What are you doing lying there, you dumb-head? All the trolls sleep in their shafts, and you're underfoot. Or aren't you a troll?

It's not hard to guess that the words were hurtful to Snapper. He stood up sharply and almost snapped and said:

Snapper: So what? So what if I'm not completely a troll? I'm a troll anyway, and I don't have to obey the words of a stupid elf girl!

Snapper got up and left, but for some reason not to the trolls, but to a remote cave where no one would have heard him. He sat down on a rock and began to play his pipe, the only one that had been with him from the beginning to the end.


Huldra was taken aback by such an ardent response. She was now certain that something was wrong with Snapper. Huldra wasn't stupid, she went to ask this dumbass's best friend

Hildra: Tumbler! I think that's your name? Come on out! Tumbleeeeeer! I have a business for you!

Tumbler: What business?

Huldra: Do you know what happened to Snapper? He's been acting strange.

Tumbler: He sure is. He went out yesterday. Said he'd tell me about it later. He never came back. Still isn't.

Huldra: And you didn't even go looking for him?! You're his best friend!

Tumbler: You don't understand. He's been acting all wound up lately, and he refuses to listen at all. He's always on his own.

Huldra: But we have to find him. By the way, did he leave with little rabbit?

Tumbler: Who? Willy Wee? I don't know, he disappeared too.

Huldra: Maybe Snapper took him with him. Snapper really has changed a lot. The last time I saw him, he was yelling something about only being half a troll...

Tumbler: Why didn't you say so in the first place? He must have gone to Witch then, but what could she have said to him...

Huldra and Tumbler thought about it, but decided to go in search of Snapper


In the cave.

Snapper was sitting and playing, just as Willy Wee crawled out of a crevice between the stones and began to dance. Then jumped into Snapper's hat.

Snapper: At least someone needs me. How did you find me, Willy Wee?

Willy Wee wrote something down about how he escaped from the mine and was looking for his... Master? A friend? And when he saw him, he was very happy.

Huldra and Tumbler: Snaaaaapper! Snapper! Where are you?

Snapper: Well, what do they want?

Tumbler: Hooray, we finally found you.

Huldra: What are you doing here, you slacker? We were worried here, and you don't care at all!

Snapper: I'll never believe you were worried, Huldra.

Huldra: You don't believe me? Then don't believe. I don't want your opinion!

Snapper: Who wants my opinion anyway? No one needs my opinion!

Tumbler: I need you, Snapper.

Snapper: If you needed me, you would have found me sooner.

Huldra: What's the matter with you, dumbass? What Witch did you go to and why did she tell you something that made you leave?

Snapper: Leave me alone with your questions!!!

Tumbler and Huldra: Just say it already!

Snapper sighed heavily and began: I've long wondered why I have thick blond hair. All trolls don't have it. And I'd be glad I did, but it makes me look human. Witch said it had something to do with my parents. I don't know who they are, but one of them is obviously not a troll. Which means I'm not a real troll, either.

A tear rolled down Snapper's face, but he quickly wiped it away.

Huldra: Snapper, but that's no reason to leave. No one knows about it, and everyone thinks you're a troll. And this way you'll only raise suspicion, so come back.

Snapper: Huldra, but that means I won't grow any bigger than I have, and everyone will laugh at me for ages.

Huldra: But you have always been the unique Snapper! You were always the clever troll who made fun of everyone. Remember. And no one even thought about who you were. Everybody liked you and still likes you for who you are. And nobody cares what grows on your head. I don't care what flowers grow on your head. I like you the way you are, I like your hair and your jokes! No need to get upset.

Snapper: It's all true, isn't it?

Huldra: Yes.

Tumbler has long left the cave with Willy Wee, so as not to disturb them.

Tumbler: What do you think happened just now, Willy Wee?

Willy Wee started squeaking and showing that something disgusting had happened.

Tumbler: You think so? Okay, let's leave them two alone, maybe nothing will happen

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