Edon Residence (1)

Start from the beginning

I walk up to the residence satisfied and walk up the stairs observing how dirty and off the inside of the building is.

I giggle a bit knowing that someone maybe have died to lighten my inner precaution, because I didn't feel safe and felt nervous.

I keep walking and looking around until I stop by a door that says 'EDON RESIDENCE' in bold letters, curiosity got the best of me as I reached my free hand to the doorknob.

I hear small commotion from somewhere and a laugh, which causes me to quickly stop. I turned around to look up at the steps getting closer. I turn my head down and seeing a man laughing while walking down the steps and walking past me before stopping.
"Y-You must be the new resident.. h-here." The man says stuttering and gigging quietly. I looked at him oddly feeling sympathetic towards him for his stuttering,

I nod and smile a bit,

"Yes I'm here, I just arrived umm it's nice to meet you sir!"

"Y-You t-to what a beauty" He says before putting his hand up to his mouth and giggling while running down the stairs like a little kid. I smiled at what looked wholesome and a brilliant warm welcome; but now that I think about it he had some type of toy gun in his hand before walkng down and not being seen.

My eyes looked all over the place trying to ignore what happend and walking up the steps onto the 4th floor.

I see a man staring at me fiddling with the doorknob, I waved at him and smiled a bit while continuing walking not knowing he was about to speak to me.

I opened a door and walked into the room looking around and turning my head into a full hallway of rooms going down the hall before hearing the voice of the women who I talked to.

"Are you the young lady who just called?" She says startling me making me turn my head back fast and flinching softly.

"Yes." I say a bit startled by her.

I respond walking to where she was  "Goodness, it must've been tough walking up in this hot weather."

"I apologize for being late."

"Don't mention it. It's pretty desolate so first-time visitors all get confused!"
She responds back as I furrow my brows without her knowing remembering how there where no ratings on the place. "Here, have this." She says as she hands me some type of drink.

"You have a great voice on the phone and you look very beautiful too.. Look at how sweaty you are." She says smiling before she reaches her hand and cups the side of my face wiping rhe sweat beads that trickle down, off.

I didn't respond back but pretend like what she did, didn't bother me. So I changed the topic.

"I saw that the men's room and women's room are separated here as I walked up, you must have a lot of rooms." I say messing with the bottle as she fumbles with the keys.

"No that was ages ago. Everyone left when the area was designed for redevelopment, so only a few remains." She says still fumbling with the keys.

"When will the redevelopment happen?"

"Oh- I heard they'll begin in six months, Why? Are you here for the monthly haul?" "Umm No I'll leave soon." "That's great news then!" She says leaving the door and stops fumbling with the keys and walks down the hallways with me explaining how the room's only went down because they where getting renovated, and how they have a great facility. I didn't care.

"I'm always concerned about the health of our residents.. Does this say room 305?" I zoned out not paying ttention until she questioned me, I looked down at the key and nodded she then opened the door to the room.

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