Nothing like it

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((Credit to vertigo20 who made this amazing drawing of Al-An)) 

(( I loved the drawing and I'm kinda gonna use it in my story. BUT IT STILL ISN'T MINE. I'm hoping that I don't get attacked because of it- So yeh hope you enjoy the story :D Also please don't attack me for the changes I'm making to Al-An :P ))

Al-An's dialog

Robin's dialog

Marguerit's dialog

Your dialog

You were lying down on your bed looking up at the twisty bridges through your glass roof. You had been on 4546B for a month now and had made a pretty good base. It was a large room four times the size of a multipurpose room situated at the seafloor. It had a glass roof so you could look up the twisty bridges. At one side of the room was your 'bedroom' and on the other side was a bioreactor and there was a huge alien containment which had a hatch at the top so you could let fish in. 

You had a moonpool on one side of the base and a control room on the other. It took forever to build but you were proud of it. But in your quest to make the base you completely ignored your seatruck. It could only go to 150m and you needed to make a depth module. But that needed diamonds so you were lying on your bed not wanting to move.

You had to go down into the deep twisty bridges. You had read of them in Alterra's studies. It was stuffed with Squidsharks and plants that apparently wrapped tentacles around you and dragged you into their mouth. You did not want to go down there. And the worst this was you couldn't even take you seatruck down!

You got up slowly from your bed staring at the alien containment. Sighing deafeted you got up grabbed your mask and made your way to the moonpool mentally preparing yourself. 


Al-An was swimming through the water without a care in the world. He had taken a quick liking to his new body. Being able to swim through the water and join Robin on her adventures was amazing. 

Not only was he able to swim the body also had many features that could let him experience Subnautica like he was human. It had the human nervous system that could let him feel pain and touch like a human. He had human eye sight and a mouth with teeth and a tongue. The eye sight was hard to get used to but it was worth it.

It wasn't only in water he could walk on land to. The tail could split and form into two legs so he could walk on land. This had awaken something in him. He didn't know what it was and frankly it kind of scared him. He had been having more emotion after he got used to the body. Curiosity, fear, excitement and so on. He loved it but was also scared of what the others would think.

They had changed a lot over the time Al-An was away. They had abandoned the network because of the extreme pain everyone was in from the virus. This came as a shock to Al-An, something that was so important to them was abandoned just like that. 

Al-An filled with curiosity like usual wanted to see the deep twisty bridges. Robin had talked about how pretty and mysterious it was. He knew it wasn't a good idea to go down there because of the squidsharks but his curiosity overweighed his common sense.


You were swimming through the water jumping at every single sound you heard. Those squidsharks really liked to roar, whether they were just eating, swimming or trying to bite your ass off they made a ton of noise. 

You weren't finding any diamonds even though it was said there were many down here.

You saw some movement in the corner of your eye. Thinking it was a squidshark you spun around your heated knife in hand ready to stab. But what you saw was like nothing you had seen before. 

It was some sort of sea creature you had never seen, not even in Alterra's database. It had a long mermaid like tail but compared to the classic mermaid it was probably around 3 meters. It's top body was humanoid and looked strong. It's head was also humanoid but it had horns and its face was like a visor. But all of that was nothing compared to all the lights covering it's body.

It retreated back and put it's arms above its head to guard itself. You could see it had three fingers by it doing this. Not knowing if it would attack or not you kept your knife in your hand. 


Al-An had been swimming taking in the beautiful sight that is the deep twisty bridges. Luckily for him his body gave him natural disguise in the cave helping him avoid the squidsharks. He had noticed someone else swimming down there. Thinking it was Robin he swam down.

Al-An lowered his arms to get a better look at the human he had encountered. He noticed quickly she was female by her body type. She had majestic (H/L) (H/C) tied into a ponytail and radiant (E/C) eyes. She was beautiful.

She lowered her knife as Al-An grew more relaxed. "W-what are you..?" she said her voice was sweet and full of confusion. Al-An was to distracted by the sight of her to answer. "Wow.... I have never seen anything like you before.." she continued. This snapped Al-An out of his thought process. Did she think he was a sea creature, maybe it was best for her to believe this. 

Al-An tried to imitate something primitive by cocking his head to the side. The human woman put her knife away and moved a bit closer. "Wow, you're beautiful" she said amazed. 

The sudden roar of a squidshark was heard behind them making Al-An flee. He'd have to get back to at a better time. He wanted to learn more about humans and Robin was getting very tired of him constantly asking her about things. Maybe he could observe human behaviour through this human girl.

(( Finally done-! Sorry if this isn't the best I'm still sick and didn't really know how to word it the best. I guess this is kind of an AU of the normal game. Hope who ever actually reads this doesn't mind. Anyways time to write another chapter to one of my other books because I have nothing better to do :D ))

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