1.) Stupid Games

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Note: Halsey AKA Ashley is in this story. Since they're gender nonconforming and use she/they pronouns, those are the pronouns I will be using in this story! Hope it's not confusing, I just wanted to let everyone know beforehand. 

CW: talk about mental illnesses, such as bipolar, mania, taking medication, and reckless behavior. Talk of drugs, such as LDS, DMT, cocaine, weed, and alcohol. 


"Are you going to see your parents this summer?" Selena asked as she got into the passenger side of the car.

"For a week, maybe two. But for most of the summer, I told them I would be working." Taylor explained as she tossed her bag into the back of the car.

The brunette furrowed her brow. "You're not working though..."

Taylor sighed as she pulled out of the parking space. "I know. I honestly just don't want to be home this summer. You know they're in a middle of a divorce now that Austin graduated. I don't want to be around that. Austin is taking his trip to Europe in a month, so if I go when he's gone, it'll be hell. At least when we're both home, they try to act normal." She explained as she started to drive to the apartment.

Selena sighed. "I get it... my mom is about to pop. I'm not sure I want to be around a newborn all summer."

"We can always stay in the city. Ashley's coming back up in a couple of weeks."

"Are they? I haven't heard from her in a few days."

"Shit with what's his name didn't work out like they were hoping for, so she's been down in depression land," Taylor explained. "Starbucks?"

"Sure, what works. What happened with him?"

"He was cheating," Taylor said as she made a sharp right turn into a parking lot. She pulled into the lane for the line. "They said that he came home smelling like another person. And he had a hickey. She said that they hadn't even fucked yet, so she knew that hickey wasn't from them. And when she checked his phone that night, they found texts from one of their high school friends."

"Jesus," Selena murmured as she dug her vape out of her pocket. After taking a small hit, she offered it over to Taylor.

"I'm good, but thanks," Taylor said with a wave of her hand before pulling up in line.

Once the two made it home, they went to their bedrooms. While Selena got ready for work, Taylor started getting her things ready to do her laundry.

As Taylor left her room to head to the basement, she heard the front door opened. "Who is it?" she called out.

"Just me, T, sorry!" Ashley yelled. There was a loud thud that followed the front door being kicked close.

Music started playing from across the hall, where Selena's room was to drown out the sounds from her show.

Taylor let out a heavy sigh as she started walking down the steps to the living room. She saw Ashley standing by the door with a guitar case, three trash bags full of what she guessed were clothes. She looked her friend up and down. They were wearing a black bralette, baggy jeans that rolled up at their ankles, and platform boots. The things that concerned Taylor saw the new tattoo wrapped in saran wrap on Ashley's arm, and the shaved head.

The blonde set the laundry basket on the floor before walking over to her friend. "What happened?"

"What do you mean?" Ashley asked as she hung her keys up on the wall.

"You don't get new tattoos unless you're manic, and you said you wouldn't be shaving your head again for a while after the last time. So, I know something is going on, Ash."

Ashley sighed before they started to undo the laces on their boots. "Well, while I was in Arizona, I couldn't find anywhere to get my pills. So, I bought some vitamins that I looked up one night. They were working for a while... then I ran out. Evan came home, smelling like another girl. I knew right away the night wouldn't end well. After I kicked him out, I went to a friend's. I smoked some weed, but I started tripping. I think it was laced with LSD... maybe DMT, because it was fucking wild."

Taylor grew increasingly worried the more and more Ashley spoke.

"After the trip ended, a few hours had passed. I went home and I was full of energy. So, I cleaned the whole place. Which ended me up in the bathroom, and I didn't have any bleach, so I shaved my head. When Arthur came home and saw how clean the place was, he gave me three hundred bucks... I ended up getting drinks that night with an old friend. After we fucked in the bathroom, she took me to a tattoo shop down the road. We got matching tattoos. Then I packed my shit and took a bus here." As they explained what had happened, she set her boots on the shoe wrack and picked up one of their bags off the floor to start looking through it. Once they pulled a pack of cigarettes out, she started walking toward the backdoor.

Taylor followed closely behind her friend as they light a cigarette before stepping outside. They pulled another from the pack and handed it to Taylor before sitting on the edge of the porch.

Taylor sat down beside Ashley before taking a drag. "Jesus H Christ, babe... are you okay?" she asked.

Ashely shrugged. "I guess. I mean, I'm glad I found out he was a piece of shit before anything serious happened, you know? He seemed too good to be true."

Taylor sighed as she rested her elbows on her knees. "I know what you mean."

"What happened to K?" Ashley asked as they looked over at the blonde.

"You don't want to know right now," Taylor said before she took another drag. "Why didn't you tell me you were headed home?"

"I lost my phone the night I saw Cara. I tried the Find my Phone bullshit, but it said it was at the apartment, and I couldn't find it. So, in my manic state, I said fuck it. I'll get another one when I have the money." They explained.

Taylor sighed. "Anything else?"

Ashley shrugged. "I found a kitten on the way here."

The blonde's eyes grew wide. "Where is it?"

"In a box on the front porch. I wanted to tell you before I brought her inside."

Taylor quickly got up from her spot on the porch and walked around to the front of the house, holding the cigarette between her lips. She knelt to see a small, white kitten nestled up in a blanket. "Where did you find her?"

"I don't even remember. Somewhere between Phili and here." Ashley said as she stood next to Taylor.

Taylor put out her cigarette before grabbing the kitten. She held the cat up to start looking at her. "Poor thing, she's maybe six-week-old if that... were there any others?"

"Just her," Ashley said.

"Were you planning on keeping her?" Taylor asked with a raised brow as she held the kitten in her arms. The kitten snuggled against her.

"Only if you'll let me," Ashley said with a pout.

Taylor stared at her friend for a moment, she could see that their eyes were bloodshot and dilated. "What are you on? Ash, you know I don't want drugs in the house. Selena's just a few months clean. I can't have her relapsing."

Brown eyes dropped. "I used the last of it a few hours ago. I don't plan on getting more. I promise. You can even look through my bags to make sure I'm not lying."

Taylor sighed. "Look at me."

Ashely looked up.

"I trust you. I'm just trying to make sure that everyone in this house is being safe. I just know what being on coke does to you, and I don't want it in the house after last time... if you're going to use, just let me know, or come talk to me. We can always smoke do you don't go to her place and get more."

"I won't, I promise," Ashley said before walking up to the door. "I wouldn't go get it from Lizzy anyways. She's raising prices."

Taylor sighed as she followed her friend.  

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