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He comes forward to kiss me, but I back away. "No."

"What?" He grins, "You're afraid of tasting your own fluids?"

He comes close again but I push him off. "Stop it!" I can't help but laugh.

He stops, pretending to think for a moment. "No, I don't think I will."

"Lucius..." He leans in slowly, before grabbing my wrists and holding them tightly in his grip. "Lucius!" He crashes his mouth against mine, and immediately I can taste the sticky substance on his lips. I kiss him back, not even caring anymore as he pulls away laughing. "What did I say? Divine."

I giggle as he hovers over me, his hands cupping my belly as he tickles me with kisses on my face. All of a sudden, I feel a little force push in my belly, causing Lucius to retreat quickly. He looks down at my belly in worry and then at me frantically. "What was that?"

I smile at his cluelessness, "That's your baby trying to say hi."

He seems confused for a second, looking at my bump blankly. I try not to laugh at his reaction as I press my palm to my belly, feeling another kick. "See? He's excited."

Lucius calms down, almost sighing in relief. "Here," I grab his hand going to put it on my belly. "No. Kelly, it's-"

"Shh, it's ok." I press his hand to my bump, gently caressing it as we wait for the baby to kick again. After a few seconds, I feel it again, a small push against my belly. Lucius gasps quietly, staring at my stomach in awe. "Did you feel that?"

He looks at me, doe eyed. "I did." He stays silent for a moment, before he whispers, "That's our baby."

"That's our baby," I repeat, smiling.

I find it odd he had never felt a baby kick before - considering he had had a child with Narcissa.

But then again, it was clear they were never in love like we were.

* * *

"I'm hungry," I whine, shuffling comfortably between Lucius's legs. He gently pulls me down to rest on his chest, my back on his torso. "What do you want?"

I think as he strokes my hair, fiddling with my messy bun before pulling out the hair tie, running his fingers through it. "I'm not sure..." I close my eyes at the feeling of him playing with my hair, nearly falling asleep again. "Pancakes?"

"Of course," he says, kissing my head. "Whatever you want."

I nuzzle my head against him, "Love you."

He rests his head against the bed, "I love you too, baby."

I smile tiredly and within seconds, I'm asleep.

* * *

I sip my tea slowly, watching as Lucius clears away his mug and our plates. We'd enjoyed some pancakes he had made earlier and now I got to sit back and relax, watching him clean. Drinking my tea, I suddenly realise how much I missed my coffee. Decaf just wasn't the same.

Lucius looks up at me as he cleans the table, raising his eyebrows for a second. "Everything alright, love?"

"Mhm," I smile, putting down my mug and holding it on my lap. "Just admiring your body from here, don't mind me."

He smirks, "Oh, I don't mind at all."

He comes over to kiss my cheek before heading to the kitchen. After a few minutes, he calls out to me, "Darling, I need some ingredients to make dinner tonight." He comes back in the room, taking his seat next to me. "Are you ok on your own for a little while?"

Pureblood (Lucius Malfoy) *COMPLETED*Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя