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Hey all! How you all are? This might sound little cliché. Do tell me your honest review. If you find any error or mistake please do tell me. Happy reading.

Pragya looks around at her classmates and friends, from her bench. Everyone was talking in whisper. She just couldn't believe that that was the last day of her college. That she wouldn't be coming to this class to study again. Well she will be here for Farewell and exams but that is different. The whole situation was too normal to think that those were last moments. She looks at the board and sees that the professor is saying something about important questions. She sighs. The professor wouldn't leave them on their last day too.

"How many minutes left?" Abhi Asks.

Abhi, her best friend. No he is her family, she doesn't believe in 'best friend'. For her, either one is friend or family. There's nothing in between. They had known each other since middle school. It was because of Abhi, her parents agreed to send her to a different city to study and same was with Abhi.

"20 minutes!" Pragya replies.

"20 Minutes! God! He wouldn't leave us on last day too!"

"Nobody's even paying attention to him, but he wouldn't stop."

"Acha Fuggi, everyone's planning to go and party after college. Chalegi?"

"But they won't let us stay in campus."

"We will be in the canteen."

"We can?"

"No. That's why you are asking for permission from Suresh Sir!" Abhi cheekily tells Pragya.

"Ahaan! I see! But I need a special treat for that!"

"Done! Definitely you will get your special treat!" Abhi excitedly exclaims.

"Ok class!" The professor says loudly and the murmuring and whispering stopped.

"Since this is your last day, I'm leaving you all earlier."

The whole class exclaimed and shouted in joy.

"Enjoy! Study hard! Do well in your exams and all the best!" Saying this professor left the classroom.

As soon as the professor left, half of the students turned towards Pragya. Pragya looked everyone's face and said, "Ok! I'm going to ask him for permission!"

She gets up and goes out of the classroom.

Few minutes she returned and everyone look at her expectantly.

"He said yes but we have to vacate the canteen by 6." Pragya replied.

The class shouted in joy. She goes and sits at her place.

"You did it! I knew it! Suresh sir would never say no to her! Purab exclaims as soon as Pragya sits on her bench.

"He was liberal as it is our last day." Pragya replies

"Yaar! Last day! Wasn't it yesterday we came for the first time here? Now we are leaving!" King said

"Ya! Now exams and then Job! Life is going to change completely!" Abhi replies.

"We use to meet each other daily but we won't even meet for months now!"

Pragya stopped packing her stuffs as she hears and processed the sentence.

She and Abhi won't be meeting daily from now. They both are selected by different companies. They don't live nearby. As this dawned to her, the upcoming life felt somehow incomplete without Abhi. She is so use to him since middle school. How will she manage to her life by her own messy self alone?

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