"That's okay." She replied, following me. "The water will still be there." She chuckled.

She was trying her hardest to put on a smile, trying her hardest to laugh or even chuckle at the littlest things. She was hiding.

I nodded and walked out, her following me.

We walked quietly together, hearing the splashing and laughing coming from the pool room. Right before we got to the door, I stopped and looked at Sadie.

"I know that you're acting like you're happy. And you don't have to put in a fake face around me. If something is bothering you, you can talk to me." I spit out, the guilt of not bringing it up hurting me.

She sighed and grabbed my hand, "It's not that it's all fake. I'm having a great time here with you guys and I'm glad that I came. If I didn't, I probably would be in my room at home and doing nothing." She rubbed circles on my palm, "And it's not that I don't want to talk to you because I do. But as soon as I do and the words seep through..."

She stopped and took a breath, letting go of my hand and crossing her arms. "You're just... You're not going to want me anymore and you'll be fed up with m-"

I stopped her right there, lifting her chin to look at me, "Sadie, I wouldn't just get fed up with you. You've done nothing to make me become fed up with you. You've done nothing to make me mad at you." I chuckled, "You've done nothing but be there for me and listen to me no matter what and that's why... That's why I-"

I stopped, looking into her eyes and seeing that right now wasn't the time. Right now I could see her blocking away everything.

I sighed, "Come on. The others are waiting."


Sadie Myers.

I sat in the chair, watching the others as they all splashed and laughed.

Earlier, I couldn't bring myself to tell him. But that's all I ever do. I can never bring myself to tell him. And I feel like that's my life now. Constantly, I'm telling myself that I can't tell him because he'll leave. I just can't do it.

I never thought that I'd have to tell anyone. I always thought that after I graduated, my father wouldn't be in my life and I would've left my mother. I never thought that I'd be here trying to come up with the words to tell someone who I truly am. Or what my life is.

Staring off and into space, looking outside, I was taken away from that by water being splashed out of the pool and onto me.

I looked away from the tree that I seemed so focused on and looked at Korrie. "What?"

"Get in the water! You're being a party pooper by just sitting there." She chuckled and then made a sad face.

I shook my head "I'm fine right here."

"Please?" Theo looked at me, everyone else now looking at me too. "If you don't get in, then I'll get out and throw you in."

I narrowed my eyes, "You wouldn't."

"Is that a challenge, Myers?" Theo smirked, moving over to the exit and getting out of the pool.

To be honest, I asked for it. I knew damn well that he was going to get out of the pool. And throw me into it.

I stood quickly as he started to walk towards me. I felt all my worry float away as he came closer and closer. I could feel myself becoming free of all the guilt again.

As I started to walk away, I was too late. Theo was now wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me, and him, closer to the edge of the pool.

"Theo no" I laughed, "I'll get in! I prom-"

And just then, I was thrown into the pool. Water rushed over my face and body as I went under, making me lighter than a feather.

I came back up to the top, taking a big deep
breath of air. Theo then jumped into the water, making a big splash.

I wiped my face, making sure that the water wasn't going to get into my eyes. And when I opened them, Astoria was standing next to a chair, her camera out, and snapping photos.

"Oh I'm so glad I got those," She smiled, "They're perfect!"

I laughed as I felt arms wrap around me and lift me. A head I was familiar with a going between my legs and lifting me onto his shoulders.

Soon, my body, from the knees, was out of the water, and so was Theo's head.

"See," He looked up at me, "This is so much more fun than just sitting on the sidelines."

I smiled and bent down, connecting his lips with mine, "Yeah. You're right."

Astoria kept taking pictures and the others resumed what they were doing.

Theo's arms were wrapped around my thighs as I sat on his shoulders with my hands tangled in his wet hair. He then fell back, taking us both under the water.

I swam away from him and to the edge, grabbing onto the side of the pool and taking a breath of air.

I knew that Astoria had taken a picture of that and I knew that I'd cherish that photo forever.

As I looked at Theo come up from under the water, I knew then that this was where I belonged.

I belong with him. With my friends. Here where everything is okay and happy.

This was home. And I love it.

no one else. // Theodore NottWhere stories live. Discover now