"The Comfort Of His Arms."

Start from the beginning

  The next morning, Gu Hai noticed that Bai LuoYin was ignoring him. He went into their bedroom and tried to give his wife a hug and was pushed away viciously. He watched as Bai LuoYin got off of the bed and went into the bathroom. He heard when Bai LuoYin locked the door. “Good morning,” he shouted after him. He propped himself up on one elbow as he spoke and waited for his angry wife to exit the bathroom. “How long are you going to stay mad at me?”
  Bai LuoYin brushed his teeth and continued to ignore his husband. He turned the water valve all the way to the right so that he could drown out Gu Hai’s voice. 
  Gu Hai thought about the events of the last few weeks. He was happy and relieved that Ying Yue was okay. Now he had to deal with an angry wife. “We live in the same house! You can’t stay mad at me forever,” he shouted. 
  Bai LuoYin rolled his eyes. He finished brushing his teeth. The water from the sink didn’t help so he decided to take a shower. He turned on the shower, adjusted the temperature, stripped off his clothes and got in. As he lathered up the soap in his hands he thought about what Gu Hai had said to him last night. Indeed he had missed Gu Hai’s arms wrapped around him at night. He had gotten so used to it that if Gu Hai wasn’t in bed with him at night, he would toss and turn. 
  (Later that day.)
  Ever since Ying Yue arrived at home in China, she stayed in her bedroom. She would take a shower and ask the chef to bring her food to her room. She never came out, not even for a walk. Jiang Yifei noticed her behavior and it worried her. She seemed to shut down after arriving from Thailand. 
  Today, she decided to talk to her friend. Even though she still felt horrible for not being there when she was kidnapped, she mustered up the courage, walked over to her bedroom, and knocked on her door.
  “Come in,” Ying Yue called out.
  When Jiang Yifei entered the room, she noticed how dark it was. The curtains and blinds were drawn shut and the only light in the room came from a small table lamp that was across the room. “How are you doing,” she asked, her voice almost cracking. 
  “I’m okay,” Ying Yue said, sitting up from the bed and giving her a weak smile.
  Jiang Yifei walked over and sat down at the edge of the bed. She ran her hand over the top of her bedsheets and sighed. “I’m sorry,” she said.
  Ying Yue shook her head. “Stop apologizing to me,” she said and gave her a smile brighter than her last.
  “I can’t help it,” Jiang Yifei said, “I feel so horrible. You haven’t left your room. I miss your company.” 
  Ying Yue leaned back on her pillows, adjusted her dress, and said, “Stress isn’t good for the baby, remember?” 
  “You’re right,” Jiang Yifei said. She reached over and took hold of Ying Yue’s hand. She caressed it gently and said, “You can always talk to me. We are friends. Everything that you went through must have been difficult.”
  Ying Yue looked down at their hands. She had never spoken about what she had gone through with Xiaoping. “It was,” she said, “I thought that the baby and I were going to die.”
  “Did he threaten to kill you both?”
  She nodded and said, “I was so scared. All that I could think about was Gu Hai, Bai LuoYin, you, and the babies. I knew that I would have to fight to survive. There was barely anything in the room. He had boarded up the windows and he even slept in the same bed as me.”
  Jiang Yifei’s eyes lit up. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “That monster,” she whispered.
  “He wanted to punish Gu Hai by killing the baby.”
  Jiang Yifei covered her mouth with her other hand, her eyes went wide, and she felt like crying. She felt her friend’s pain. She let go of her hand and embraced her. They held one another for a while.
  A knock came at the door and they seperated. “Come in,” Ying Yue said.
  Bai LuoYin walked into the room with Gu Hai trailing behind as if he was unsure if he should enter. 
  “How are you,” asked Bai LuoYin. He walked around the bed and sat down.
  “I’m doing better,” Ying Yue said. She tried her best to give him an authentic smile. 
  “We came to see if you wanted to talk about what happened,” Gu Hai said, still standing. He shoved his hands into his pants pockets and moved closer to them.
  Ying Yue sighed heavily. She was grateful that everyone wanted to talk about her ordeal. Earlier, she had tried to take a nap, but when she closed her eyes, all she could see was Xiaoping’s face. “He is a very rich man,” she said, “If he wanted to, he could pay someone to come and hurt us.” 
  Gu Hai smirked and looked down at his feet. It made everyone look at him suspiciously. 
  “Why do you look like that,” demanded Bai LuoYin. He frowned and sat up straighter. 
  “I don’t think your ex-husband will do anything to us. I have taken all the necessary precautions to make sure that we never see or hear from him ever again,” Gu Hai said looking at Ying Yue, his face serious. “He will never hurt you again. This, I promise you,” he added. 
  “What did you do,” Bai LuoYin asked, then he changed his mind. He didn’t want to know. Something deep inside told him that whatever it was, Gu Hai had made sure that Xiaoping would never reach any of them. Gu Hai would end the world for him. He would end all existence for his children. They stared at one another for a few more seconds and then Bai LuoYin looked over at Ying Yue.
  Jiang Yifei looked over at Gu Hai and said, “He has a lot of money. He could make sure that nothing gets traced back to him personally.” 
  Gu Hai shook his head and said, “He has no money.”
  The women looked at him curiously. 
  “It is best we don’t ever talk about it,” Gu Hai said flatly.
  The women nodded.
  For the rest of the evening, everyone listened as Ying Yue spoke about how horrible her experience was and how it made her feel. They took turns embracing her and did their best to reassure her. Their bond as friends grew stronger with every emotion, tear and hug.

  Month five and six of Ying Yue and Jiang Yifei’s pregnancy were spent at home. As a family, Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin took them to The Great Wall of China and they admired its beauty together. They visited the Summer Palace in Beijing, the Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Chengdu, where Ying Yue fell in love with a baby panda, the Yangtze River and the Three Gorges, The Classical Gardens of Suzhou, the Potala Palace in Tibet, Hangzhou’s Historic West Lake, the Mausoleum of Light and they marveled at the Giant Buddha in Sichuan. 
  To please his wife, Gu Hai had never found out the sex of the babies. To make things better between him and his love, he had taken Bai LuoYin to see The Terracotta Army, which were distributed over three large underground pits and built to guard the First Emperor’s tomb. There were over eight thousand life-size warriors, five hundred and something horses and more than one hundred chariots. He enjoyed Bai LuoYin’s expressions as he took in how some of the statues were severely damaged due to the passing of time and how historical the sight was.
  As Bai LuoYin had gazed at the statues, Gu Hai moved up close behind him, trying his best to be as casual as possible, he had asked, “Am I your knight in shining armor?”
  Irritated, Bai LuoYin ignored him and moved away quickly to look at something else. 
  Persistently, Gu Hai jogged up to him, leaned in close, and said, “Or do you want something harder than those statues?” 
  Bai LuoYin turned to him slowly, frowned, and punched him in the stomach. 
  Gu Hai took the hit like a man, laughed, and watched as Bai LuoYin walked away once more. He ran to him again, poked him in his shoulder with a finger, and chuckled. “Hey,” he said playfully, “do you want me to construct something even more immaculate for you?”
  “No,” Bai LuoYin spat, hoping that his tone would indicate that he didn’t want to be bothered.
  Gu Hai grinned. He let his heart lead the way. He made sure that no one was around, grabbed Bai LuoYin by the waist, turned him around, and planted a kiss on his lips. He slipped his tongue inside, slowly, tasting him as if he were sweet fruit. One of his hands moved up to cup Bai LuoYin’s cheek. He caressed it and knew that Bai LuoYin’s knees had weakened. He gripped Bai LuoYin firmly around the waist, making sure that he didn’t fall or lose his balance and kissed him in front of all the statues. They were witness to something so powerful as his love that he dared to do such a thing.
  Bai LuoYin pulled away and stumbled a little as he walked away. 
  Gu Hai used his thumb to wipe his bottom lip and smiled as he watched his lover walk away, his own feet betraying him. He turned towards the statues and said, “Jealous?”
  Bai LuoYin wanted to run. He wanted to leave the place before his husband did something more dangerous than kiss him. Knowing Gu Hai, he would want to leave his mark everywhere. He spun around, pointed a finger at him, and said, “Stop!”
  “I have not done anything,” Gu Hai said, stopping in his tracks and throwing up both of his hands defensively. He gave puppy dog eyes, but his body spoke another language.  
  “You are being inappropriate,” Bai LuoYin had lashed out with his words.
  “No, I’m not,” said Gu Hai, taking a step closer, “not yet.”
  “Gu Hai, I will hit you more than once this time!”
  Gu Hai smirked and said, “How hard?”
  Bai LuoYin watched as Gu Hai’s eyes turned from puppy dog to hungry. It was the kind of hunger only a man gets when he wants to be sexual, wicked and naughty.
  That day, Bai LuoYin had fought his own war trying to keep him at bay. But he was unsure who was the emperor, the one man army, or the victor. Gu Hai had stolen more than one kiss that day, grabbed his ass more than five times and imprisoned him up against more statues just to try and leave battle marks on his neck. Even though the tingling sensation he felt made him yearn for more, he fought with all his might.
  Gu Hai didn’t even stop his nefarious ways when they met up with Jiang Yifei and Ying Yue that evening. He kept pestering Bai LuoYin.
  Jiang Yifei enjoyed their display of affection. She burst into laughter when Gu Hai attacked Bai LuoYin on the couch, trying to kiss his cheek in front of them. She thought of Wang Wei, who seemed distant lately. She knew that he blamed himself for what had happened. Maybe he needed time to forgive himself? She would try and talk to him. He wasn’t to blame. After she had the baby, she hoped that things between them both would blossom into something lovely. He seemed to like her, even though she was carrying another man’s child. But that said a lot about his heart, his spirit. 
  Ying Yue laughed, adored their craziness and knew that every decision she had made so far was because of them. They were filled with so much love and kindness that it helped her heal. They all helped her heal. And she was grateful. She looked down at her belly, which had grown in size, and couldn’t wait to experience Gu Hai and Bai LuoYin as fathers.
  But at night, when there was no one around, nowhere to run, only the confinement of their home, Bai LuoYin submitted to his ruler, his king, his master of pleasure. The dirty things they said, did to one another, was a battle that both would be victorious at. There would be no loser, no runner-up, no one vanquished. In his arms, he would surrender, and have a great night’s sleep.

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