The bet

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P.S They go to boarding school

Iris, Britney and Tess were standing,backs pressed against the wall smoking a cigarette outside. It was a Saturday afternoon and the girls were just bored as usual. "What do you girls want to do today?" Iris asked throwing her cigarette on the floor and stomping on it. She looked down, her blonde hair covering her face.

Britney shrugged,throwing her cigarette somewhere, taking a deep breath. "Maybe we can just hang out in the common room?" Tess asked looking at the two girls next to her. "That's boring" Iris responded in her girlish raspy voice.

Tess just looked down thinking.

"We can make a bet" Britney said out of thin air, the two looked at the bushy haired girl questioning. "On what exactly?" Tess furrowed her eyebrows.

"We can make a bet on a boy. Whoever can make him fall in love with us the fastest, wins" Britney smirked looking anywhere but the two girls beside her. Tess and Iris looked at each other smirking, one eyebrow raised.

"What do we win exactly?" Iris asked looking at Britney asked her infamous smirk on her face. Once Iris had that face you always knew something bad was about to happen. "30,000,000 USD we'll each put 10,000,000 dollars. Once the boys falls in love with one of us,we'll leave him alone"

Iris pushed away from the wall sticking her hand out Tess following her steps,the three of them smirking at each other.



Iris had her right side pressed against the wall,having her arms crossed across her chest, Tess and Britney had their arms,folded across their chests next to her. All three of them looking at everyone passing by, looking for the perfect boy.

"How about that one?" Asked Britney pointing out a boy with sandy blonde hair. "Really him?" Asked Iris rolling her eyes,"I think he's kinda cute" Tess smirked her eyes glued on him. He had books pressed against his chest looking up while walking.


I had just come from the library with books for science when I noticed the three most popular girls at school looking at me like I was some type of snack. It was the first time in 5 years,they had noticed me.

All three of them smiled at me


I got so nervous I crashed into a wall, my books fell to the floor.

What an entry Andrew


"Seriously Him? The nerd?" Iris scoffed once again rolling her eyes. "Well he is cute. But are you sure he should be our new target? He looks too innocent." Asked Tess looking at Britney."Heck yeah! I'm gonna make him fall in love with me and win the bet. Get your 10,000,000 dollars ready losers" Britney confidently said, making the two girls aside her smack their lips.

"We'll see about that" Iris half smirked keeping her eyes on the boy as he picked his books up.

A/N: If you know where this is from ILY

It started with a bet (Andrew Garfield x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now