Chapter 1

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Alexandra P.O.V
I woke up with a jolt. "It's the same nightmare every single day," I groaned as I looked at my alarm clock. 4am, wonderful, I grumbled silently as I slipped downstairs, getting myself a glass of water.

I had been living alone for the past 2 years due to the fact that my parents got into a car accident and didn't survive. I sighed sadly as I picked up a photo frame containing the three of us. That picture was taken 9 years ago when I was 9. We were at disneyland celebrating my birthday, I sighed, brushing my thumb across the photo. A lone tear managed to squeeze out of my eye and fell onto the photo frame, sliding down like a raindrop. "It's been 2 years yet I can't get over it, I miss you Mum Dad," I softly said as I wiped the remnants of my tears.

I had promised myself I won't cry anymore but it seems like everytime I look at these photos, I would start to break down and cry and the cycle repeats itself. "You know they want you to get over their deaths. They are always heartbroken, looking and hearing you cry." A voice rang out amidst.

I spun around but I saw nothing. "Who's there?" I asked in a harsh tone, but deep down I was afraid. I was met with silence. "Who's there?" I asked again.

Just then, a woman appeared from the shadows. I blinked in surprise. I'm sure I have seen her b- no I wouldn't have! I won't forget someone's face that easily. Maybe someone similar to her, I concluded. " Oh no, you don't remember do you?" Her smile faded. "Anyways, I'm Alya." She smiled warmly at me but I could tell that her smile didn't reach her eyes.

Oh gosh, this is going to be harder than I thought. How am I supposed to tell her without her freaking out?!

I stood still, confused. Whose voice was that?
She smiled apologetically at me and then muttered something under her breath. Straining my ears, I heard something about darkness cloaking the surroundings and before I knew it, I fainted. Darkness loomed around me. I felt scared, alone. Was this how people felt when they were about to die? I wonder. Yet, I felt that I wasn't dead yet. Just then, images flashed by me fast. I was curious. Were those memories of someone? I could not see any of the memories. Slow down, I gritted my teeth but realising how foolish I sounded, I chuckled silently. However, to my surprise, the memory stood at a standstill. Walking closer, I saw that there were 4 women chasing each other, laughing while one of them was shooting something out of her palms. That was when I recognised that one of the women in the memory was none other than Alya.  Am I looking through her memories? Just then I heard Alya yelling at the champagne hair-colored woman. "Alexandra! Get back here!!" I froze. She had the same name as me. Maybe it's a coincidence. It may not be. Shut up conscience! That was when Alexandra turned to look around and that was when I gasped. She was an exact replica of me! From the shape of the face to the build of her body. The only two things that we didn't have in common was that she had champagne coloured hair while I had silver coloured hair and her eyes were always flashing different colours while mine were just a dull pair of black irises. Scuffling noises were heard and it brought me back to reality. "What did you do to sedate her?" Someone asked in a whisper. " Nothing, just used the usual but stronger dosage of it even though she's a mortal but I can feel the powerful aura radiating off her like waves. To prove that I was correct, they put a powerful spell to conceal her identity but since it's broken, some of her power is escaping from the spell, but it's not to the full extent."

Aura? Power? Mortal? What's going on? I was confused and angry. How dare they sedate me?! I'm going to kill them! They technically have the upper hand now, so they can easily kill you, my conscience pointed out. Shut up! I yelled angrily back. However, deep down, I knew that this was the truth. How am I going to get out of this situation when I have no idea where I am right now and- "We have reached." Alya told me.

Just then, my vision returned to normal. Where am I? I blinked. I got giddy, heaving as I threw up all my food remains next to my feet. Oh god! I just threw up! I continued to dry heave as Alya rubbed my back in soothing circles. "I'm so sorry it's just that when I get nervous or when I travel too fast I start to vomit and-" I rambled on trying to justify the reason why I had just puked.

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