Reality? Or a hallucination?

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Authors note: You're all going to get a lot of chapters... I was really close to finishing this book before my account got terminated.

"She lives in daydreams with me

She's the first one that I see

And I don't know why

I don't know who she is."

She by, Harry Styles

The annoying buzz of my phone woke me up, it had been buzzing so long that it had fallen to the floor. When I picked it up, I answered not looking at the number.

"Ugh... it's way too early in the morning for phone calls who is this?"

"How did you find me?"

"Jasper? What are you talking about."

"I saw you... you were across the street from me, looking at me. You were in a white night gown."

"Jasper... I haven't left Forks at all."

"H-how did I see you then?"

"I'm not sure love, I promise though... I haven't left."

The line went silent, neither of us knew what to say.

"So... what are you doing at your new place?"

"Well, I started attending a local college, I'm studying philosophy. Carlisle got a job at night."


"What about you? What're you doing?"

"Oh, I've decided to take a year off of school. I've been writing stuff, painting... it's been nice. You should see this latest painting I made, it's massive... I'll send you a picture when it's done."

"It sounds grand...It's nice to hear your voice again."

"Yeah... it's nice to hear your voice too. You know I was thinking... going to a creative arts school sounds really good to me right now..."

"You should do it, I've seen some of your work... it's incredible."

"Thanks love... Hey, I was meaning to ask you this in the morning but, have you heard from Edward?"

"No, he isn't living with us."

"Well, his bright idea of breaking up with Bella was to leave her in the woods... alone... AT NIGHT. For a vampire, Edward is the biggest dumb ass I have ever met in my entire life."

"Wow... I don't even know what to say... How is Bella?"

"She's a manic depressive mess, she hasn't left her room since she got back from the woods."

"She hasn't talked to you at all?"

"No, she just stares out of her window... but when she does look at me she gives me looks that aren't exactly inviting either... She still pretty much hates my guts. I don't know what she has to be pissed off at me about I'm the one who should be giving her death glares."

"I don't either..."

"I still don't want her to be like this, she's looking bad Jazz... it's kinda scary."

"Listen, I gotta go, you need some sleep... I'll talk to you later today... I better get my photo." Jasper demanded playfully.

"I shall deliver my love, talk to you later."

"Love you, darling."

"Love you too." I hung up a second later.

It was strange... Jasper had exactly described what had happened in my dream. I didn't recognize the area, it looked remote though. It was confusing really, how my dreams seem to have power in some way. I didn't know how though, I was a human.... nothing more than human. The Cullens seemed to be following the same pattern they did here. The area is small and remote and full of woods and cloudy. Before I faded off to sleep I thought of what I could do the next day... I could visit Leah, it had been so long since I've seen her. I'd have to thank Sam for getting Bella out of the woods too.

Sanctuary With the Enthralling Moon Jasper Hale x Fleur SwanWhere stories live. Discover now