Princess of Bells

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Nathan adjusted his cravat once again he still couldn't believe he is reliving his past life all over again it has been a month and he still could not believe it and today is the day that triggered the event that led to his ruination.

If only he had been cold towards the illegitimate princess, like other nobles he would have avoided such ill fate. Duke Nathan added extra gel to his hair and smiled at his reflection in the mirror.

"Edmund" Nathan called out, a short man dressed in black came into the room Nathan didn't need to speak before Edmund knew what to do that is why Nathan appreciated Edmund in the past life Nathan had treated Edmund like a mere servant but the event which led to Nathan ruination had given Edmund a chance to prove his Loyalty.

The carriage seem to be moving very slowly so Nathan brought out his pocket watch to check the time
"Darn it" Nathan said as he shoved his pocket watch into his pocket startling Edmund who jumped up a bit hitting Nathan with his knee
"I am worthy of punishment" Edmund said getting on his knees
"I was at fault"Nathan said reassuring Edmund it was fine
"A master is never at fault" Edmund said
"Get up if you don't want people to think me a cruel master" Nathan said

Edmund had known Nathan since he was 12 and Nathan, was nine his father had brought him into the Hertfordshire estate to learn the duty of a butler Edmund had been excited about it only for Nathan to ruin the whole experience for him Nathan had exclaimed loudly and had said: "what an ugly boy" when Nathan had seen Edmund crushing the little self-esteem Edmund had gathered over the years. Nathan had always acted like Edmund did not exist he was like a shadow with its own will to Nathan.

Nathan would always have his nose buried in a book and would always speak intellectually which made Edmund admire him. Although Nathan had a set future Nathan would always learn new skills, it wasn't a surprise Nathan had friends who admired him. he was well known in high society for his impeccable character Nathan treated people according to class as a Noble should Edmund could understand why Nathan never paid attention to him because he was just a butler and a very ugly Butler at that. Edmund's father Thomas had confessed how he had thought of giving Edmund away because of his ugliness so Edmund could understand why.

When Edmund was bullied by other staff Nathan had stepped in and had told Edmund he had power so he shouldn't bow to people lesser than him. Edmund had built his self-confidence on Nathans's words and Edmund continued to admire Nathan. Edmund could not believe when Nathan had brushed off the mistake Edmund had made instead of correcting Edmund like he usually does Edmund had always felt Nathan was someone unreachable but for a month now it felt as if Nathan had become someone reachable which stirred an unknown annoyance in Edmund. Edmund felt as if anyone could reach out and take Nathan away forever and that thought annoyed Edmund.

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