in trouble

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PART 2 -

You start to panick, you dont know what to do. Youre still hiding your face with your hands as you start to cry.
"Roger, you should help her. You took her and the other girl with you last night" says Brian.
"Why should I help her, she came with us? and then what, what can I possibly do? I cant take her back to Liverpool, we have a show tonight" Roger answers.
Youre still crying but you start to calm down a bit, so you remove your hands and ask if you could get a glass of water.
You see Brian, John and Freddie look at Roger, who then slowly stands up, you can all see he doesnt wanna do it.
"thank you" you say as he hands you the glass of water and you try to smile. He doesnt respond and sits down again.
"Darling, will you tell us whats wrong?" asks Freddie.
"well.. uh.. I am in trouble, big trouble this time.. and uhm.. its hard to explain"  you tell them while still sniffing.
"Is it okay if we make a little stop in the next village so I can call someone?" you ask carefully.
"ofcourse, Ill go tell the driver to stop then" says John.
"thank you" you say and you smile.
"The next village is in 10 minutes, thats what the driver told me so you could rest for a bit" tells John when he comes back.
"thats a good idea, thanks John" you says as you stand up and walk over to the room with the beds. You still have a headache but the pancake and the tea did help some.
You lie down and close your eyes.
"why do I always get in this kind of trouble?" you question yourself. "my mom is going to kill me, Im sure of that".
You almost fell asleep but you wake up when the door opens and Roger tells you that we've arrived at the village. You stand up slowly because your head still hurts and you walk over to him.
"are you okay?" he asks when you almost trip over a suitcase.
"yes, I think soo"
"I hope so, now lets go and make some calls" he opens the door and you two step outside and look for a phone. You see one and walk over there.
"can I ask why you were so upset when you heard that we are almost in London? You seemed pretty stressed?" Roger asks while you look in your pockets for some money.
"yes you can, well.. uh.. its just.. I have a really difficult relationship with my mom.. my dad left a few years ago, and she blames me.. but she also doesnt want to lose me so I have to live with her, I always have to let her know where I go and what Ill be doing.. and I always have to be back right in time. One time I was a minute late, she was so mad she locked me in the cupboard"
You cant find any coins so you look at Roger, he gets the hint and gives you some of his coins.
"thanks, Ill have to call my friend first, im gonna ask her to tell my mom that I stayed at her place last night. Ofcourse that will only be neccasary if my mom calls her but just incase"
"that sounds like a plan, is there anything I can do?" he was really caring now, a lot different then before, you dont know why but you like it and say;
"noo ill just have to face my mom after that and we will see what happens.."
"okay, just let me know" he smiles.
"I will" you smile back.
You dail your friends number and tell her what happened and what you want her to do. She tells you that she will try her best.
You look at Roger when you hang up the phone. He asks if it went well and you tell him it did but that this was easy.
Then you dail your moms number, it takes a while for her to answer.
"hi mom its y/n here, I was calling to tell you that Im completly fi- "
your mom interupts you.

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