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It had been a few months since I last spoke to Sam, I didn't have as many shifts either so it had been easier to avoid her, I just wasn't sure what to say, it was one summer morning as I was heading to meet the outsider, who said his name was Xalve, turned out he came from the city over, he was funny, kind and not to mention incredibly hot. How did I find a guy like that I thought to myself before I was interrupted by an arm coming in front of me? I looked up to come face to face with Geoffrey, he signaled for me to follow him and he took me to a field away from the crowds, when we both sat down, he said, "So what happened between you and Sam."
I tensed up and curtly said "I don't know what you're on about." He stared at me and it felt like he was looking through my lies, I shivered at the thought then he smiled. Not one of his usual friendly smiles, it was a cold intimidating smile and I felt I wanted to disappear, he said nothing else but,
"Don't lie to me." He got up, striding off, dragging me behind him and headed to his house. When we got inside, he went routing through his draws and pulled out a drawing, it was one that Lyna drew a while back with us all in but didn't say who she was giving it to. He held it in front of me while saying "Don't you think it's unfair to Lyna to keep avoiding Sam and not talking it out, it's unfair on all of you, Sam has seemed to of lost even more sleep and while she was taking Lyna to school, Lyna started crying. You wanna know what Sam had been doing while you've been off prancing around with your boyfriend?" I wasn't even given a chance to answer before he grabbed my hand and walked off towards not our house like I was expecting but to the bakery, he stopped by the side window and when I looked through it, I saw Sam, she was wearing an apron and was clumsily helping out at the bakery, she had bags under her eyes and was running around helping pack the goods as quickly as possible since it was the busiest time of day for them. Geoffrey turned to look at me again before saying "Now do you understand? Sam is working her butt off doing your job but you won't even give her the opportunity to even explain what happened and instead spend your days relaxing on the beach with some guy from outta town. I don't know what happened but you're being really pathetic about it and I thought you were better than that." He looked down coldly at me before carrying on by saying "I'd better get back to work, Leo is covering for me right now. Bye Kaela." Before giving a slight wave and striding off away from me. I looked through the bakery window one more time before heading to the beach to meet up with Xalve.
He was already there by the time I got there and he got up to offer me a seat but paused before asking "Is everything alright...?" he looked at me in genuine concern before reaching out and wiping my cheek, it was then I realized that I had tears rolling down my cheeks. After explaining everything to him, Xalve said "So what're we waiting before" as he hopped to his feet, he held his hand out to me and despite the confusion of what was going on, I took his hand anyway and he swiftly pulled me to my feet before gently tugging me through town to the bakery, I paused at the door whereas he waltzed right in, before long Sam exited the bakery and when I glanced through the window in the door Xalve was listening intently on what to do as he packed the baked goods. When Sam saw me, she froze in place before muttering just one word, "Sorry..." I looked up and when I saw her tired face smothered in guilt I said "We have some things we've got to talk about, have you got some time now?" She nodded and we headed to the house. She explained how our parents was coming and how it was because I was old enough to be wed and she was trying to convince them to leave me be so I could wed when I want to instead of when they want me too. When I read through the letters it all made sense, why would my parents visit if not to arrange a marriage between me and an important member of nobility back in central. I then collected Lyna who had the biggest smile on her face before also collecting Xalve, Leo and Geoffrey for dinner. everything seemed brighter than usual with us all sat around the dining table once again, Lyna was cheerfully telling how her day went, Leo acting like it was the most interesting conversation, Geoffrey smiling while he sipped his drink contently, Xalve felt a bit awkward but you could tell he was enjoying the company and Sam was sat with a slight smile on her face, seemingly being more at peace.
A couple of hours later I went to tell Lyna to go to bed when I found her Sam and Leo snuggled on the floor asleep, Geoffrey and Xalve came to see what I was gushing about and Geoffrey had an expression on his face that was a mix of anger and disappointment unlike Xalve who laughed quietly beside us. Apparently the Xalve that was the most lovely moment he'd ever seen, it was as if they were a proper family and it was heartwarming.
Geoffrey was gonna wake up Leo but Xalve said not to before he got some strange object out of his sachel, it was rectangular with a button at the top, he pointed it at them and pressed the button, we heard a click and a few minutes later a square piece on paper came out of the bottom of it. He shook the paper before handing it to me, and taking two more to hand to Geoffrey and myself for the respected parties. He then asked for a cover I got him one and he carefully draped it over the three of them, "there, leave them like that tonight. Would be a shame to wake them when they seem so tired."

Both Xalve and Geoffrey left for the night and I headed up to my room and got ready for bed.

The Region Of RosaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora