I looked at Felix feeling the tears form in my eyes, instead of saying anything he just looked at the ground and started walking away, "Felix! wait!" I said chasing after him. He continued to ignore me till we got back to camp, then he went to his tent, I just stood there starring tears running down my face, then my emotions changed from hurt to anger and I stormed to Pan's hut. I was banging on the door as soon as I got there "OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR PAN!" I shouted, all the Lost Boys in camp heard me yell and circled Pan's hut to see what was happening "yes darling?" Pan said opening his door, he had an amused smirk on his face "you're a dick you know that!" I said, the look on Pan's face changed immediately after I said that. He grabbed me by they arm and pulled me inside slamming the door behind him "don't EVER speak to me like that again! I am the leader of this group!" he shouted "No! you're a bloody demon!" I screamed, I was full on bawling now from anger towards Pan and hurt because of him not letting me see Felix "you have no right in saying who I can be with! you don't own me!" I said then I tried to push past him to leave, but he grabbed my arm and pinned me against a wall "this island is mine and everything on it! therefore I do own you and you will do as I say or else I will make sure Felix pays for your mistakes!" Pan said, I looked at him in fear and anger "now, you will have some new rules" Pan said backing away from me "you will only be able to go to the beach and leave camp during the day, Devin will be going with you" he started "every night you will have Devin and one of the other older boys standing guard outside your door so you can't sneak out or go see Felix" he continue "and if I find out you haven't been following these rules, Felix will pay for it dearly" he finished "understand?" he asked, all I could do was nod my head "good, now go to your tree house, and send in Devin and John" Pan said before letting me leave.

I walked out of the hut and walked towards Devin and John who were talking with each other, "Pan wants you both" I said quickly before running to my tree house. I got to my tree house and slammed the door behind me before flopping down on my bed and crying.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I woke up still in my day clothes. I got up and looked at my reflection in my vanity mirror, my eyes were all red and puffy from crying, I looked out my window to see what time it was, I couldn't see the moon but it was dark out so at least I knew it was night time which meant John and Devin were outside guarding my door "wonderful" I thought to myself. I walked over to my library to read when I heard my stomach grumbling "right, I missed dinner" I thought, I sighed and went to go open my door but it was locked I knocked on the door to get the boy's attention. "What is it Auburn?" Devin asked opening the door "I'm hungry, do you have any food?" I said "yeah, here" Devin said handing me a plate with pork and mushrooms on it "thanks" I said walking back to my library while Devin closed and locked the door. I sat in my chair and started reading while eating my food. After I was done eating I placed the plate on the table next to my chair, put my book away, changed then went back to bed to get more sleep.

Pan's Game: Day 1

I woke up the next day and got ready to head to the beach with Devin. As I was braiding my hair, though, I had an idea. I finished my braid then took out a piece of parchment and started writing a note to Felix, when I was finished with that I stuffed it into the inside pocket of my cloak then packed my satchel and grabbed my weapons before walking out the door. Devin was waiting for me at the bottom of my tree with a pate of eggs and bacon "eat then we can start heading to the beach" Devin said handing me the plate. I quickly stuffed the eggs and bacon into my mouth then Devin and I walked to the campfire where I put the dirty plate into the washing bin for one of the younger boys to clean then sat on one of the logs waiting for Devin to grab his crossbow. I looked around to see if Pan or any of the other Lost Boys were watching before getting up and walking to Felix's tent leaving the note for him on his bed. I went back to where I was sitting before Devin came back and saw me gone. When he did get back we started walking to the beach.

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