Season 1: Episode 1 Part 1

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Quick foreword, this was written using the original script for the series, not the actual dialogue from the show, so some things are different from the show.


(Y/N)'s POV.

I was laying in bed. Not my house, god knows I haven't been there in a while. No, I'm actually unofficially living at one of my best mates houses. His name is Otis Milburn. He's a pretty smart guy, but he's really awkward. That's to be expected though, considering that his mum's a sex therapist. I've lived with them since I was just over 10 years old. Jean is the only adult I fully trust nowadays, given that my sack-of-shit parents haven't given a crap about me since I was 9.

"GOOD GOD! Not again!" This rather burly man exclaimed, walking through my door.

"Let me guess, tall, gangly, skinny, nerdy looking, a strong gust of wind could probably blow him over?" I guessed, already being familiar with this routine.

Nearly every night, Jean had some random guy come over for a one night stand, they'd accidentally go into Otis' room in the morning looking for the bathroom, and then would waltz into my room, believing they can't be wrong twice in a row.

"Y-Yes, where is it then?" The man asked.

"Across the hall, you were close, I'll give you that." I complimented.

"I'll just-" He started.

"Please do. I've got morning wood and it's quite uncomfortable for you to be here." I bluntly replied.

That was something about me that people rarely saw at school. I tended to be quiet at school, whereas at Otis' house, I was rather blunt, sarcastic, and a bit of an arsehole. But given my history, it isn't too surprising. But with burly man walking in on me getting up, my morning wood had disappeared.

"Damn, I was kinda looking forward to that." I whined. "Stupid burly jackass."

With that beginning to my day ruined, I walked downstairs to get my typical breakfast, cinnamon sugar on toast. Walking down the stairs, I could smell the coffee being brewed.

"Morning (Y/N). Coffee?" She asked.

I nodded my head. This was our morning routine. Jean's one night stand would walk into Otis' room, then mine, then Otis would refuse coffee from Jean, but I would accept every morning. We had a schedule that worked for us.

"Shit, shit, shit, my first clients are arriving in fifteen minutes and I haven't re-read my notes." Jean panicked. "Guess it'll be one of those days."

"Late night?" Otis asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, they were extra loud last night. I only got four hours of sleep last night." I commented, waiting to nab Otis' toast that was in the toaster. Suddenly the burly man walks in again.

"Otis, (Y/N), this is-"  She attempted to introduce.

"We've met." Otis and burly man said in unison.

"Don't know his name, but he ruined my morning wood." I bluntly commented, stealing Otis' toast as it pops out of the toaster.

Otis had already known this would happen, this was part of our routine.

"Well (Y/N), this is Dan." Jean introduced.

"Charmed." Came my simple reply.

"Pleasure to meet you (Y/N)." Dan told me. "So big day for you two. Your mum said it's your first day of sixth form."

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