34. Retribution

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News of the whipping spread through the haveli like a flood drowning the maids with gossip. Allah Ditta was summoned to the Hook bettak. Dilawar-Baksh understood why he took action, but needed to hear it. Jahanzaib stormed into the hookah bettak with his mother close behind holding him back.
Jahanzaib marched towards Allah Ditta and shoved him until he fell back onto the floor.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?!"
It was then, Allah Ditta noticed the emblem of Shah Jahan on his kurtha. This was him. The son of Shah Jahan who he swore to protect and lead to the throne.
"Come on-take me! You think you're tough whipping a woman! Try me you dog!" Jahanzaib punched his chest.
Surraya called out to Jahanzaib but the young man was ravaged with anger. Allah Ditta dragged his heavy body back. Anger blinded him. He didn't recognised Jahanzaib. He loved Shah Jahan. His son was his master. He'd served them his entire life. To attack them would be sacrilege. Jahanzaib turned to his grandfather when Allah Ditta cowered away like a coward. His heart pounding. Body rushing with adrenalin. He wanted to fight. To beat someone. His hands were dry and ached for blood.
"Is this my father's land? Is this what they do? Beat women! Is this the jungle my father called home?" Surraya held her young angry son back.
"Calm down, beta!"
"First my mum, then that woman!" Jahanzaib grabbed the square coffee table and flung against the wall smashing it to smithereens. Shahgul leaned back shocked at Jahanzaib's rage.
"Have you seen her?" He pointed to the door whist glaring at his grandfather.
"Did you hear her screams? This bastard whipped her!" He grabbed Allah Ditta by the collars pulling him to his feet dragging him.
"Where's your whip you scum!? Whip me!" He shoved him back and paced to Dilawar-Baksh.
"Is this what men do here? Is this what you want me to be? A fuckin' coward!" He roared into his grandfather's face. Uzayr stood back grinning at the scene before him. Dilawar-Baksh beloved grandson attacking him.
"Choudhary Dilawar-Baksh! What are you going to do to this man? Is this the justice of Jahanpur?"
"You do not know the system in Jahanpur. You do not know her sins. Stay out of it." Dilawar-Baksh answered calmly. His erratic grandson making no impact to his mood.
"Then tell me!" He threw his hands in the air. "I'm losing my mind here. This man is here to restore some kinda sick and twisted justice!" He ran his hands through his curly black hair.
"This place is hell!!"
"For what she did, this was little." Said Dilawar-Baksh spitting on his rage with fuel.
Jahanzaib glared around the room to read the reaction. Shahgul nod her head in agreement. Uzayr turned his face away, the maids bowed their head.
"See, I told you this place is hell." Surraya shook him. "This is why I wanted to protect you." Her body shivered.
"Is someone going to get a doctor?" Nimra covered her mouth and sobbed standing at the door.
"She needs help."
The room was stunted into silence.
"This is the land where my father was born!" Jahanzaib began as Dilwar-Baksh locked eyes with him.
"The great Choudhary Shah Jahan Qureshi-" He threw his arms wide open. "I'm glad he died! He left this hell!"
Dilawar-Baksh raised his walking stick to smack Jahanzaib but stopped mid-air. "Bakwas band kar! Stop this nonsense. Shut your mouth! You know nothing. You have a lot to learn!"
"This land is a curse. I will take my family and leave- let's see who will stop me!" His eyes blood shot looked around at the guards who had their hands on their pistols read to fire at the blink of an eye.
"You all stand around whilst a woman is being whipped. But you imprison me and my family! To hell with you Choudahry Dilawar-Baksh and your Jahanpur!" He spat on the floor.
Dilawar-Baksh grabbed his arm with force digging his nail.
"You listen to me, you stupid boy! You will live here! You will marry in the family! You will have kids and die here! Jahanpur is your fate! You can't run away from your fate!"
Jahanzaib yanked his arm.
"You all will! No one is going anywhere! You hear that?" Dilawar- Baksh's strong words were for Surraya. Surraya's eyes met Allah Ditta, the man who was husband's best friend. Age was unkind to his sun damaged skin. He'd put on weight. Allah Ditta bowed his eyes when he spotted the bruise on her cheek. Jahanzaib marched out of the room at a loss. His anger of no use. His anger made no impact. Dilawar-Baksh's face burned red. Surraya's wide eyes pleaded to Uzayr to go after Jahanazaib. Uzayr shook his head and ran after Jahanzaib.

The Fallen WidowOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz