Chapter 1

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After your parents died at the age of 13 and you were left only with your older brother , it was almost impossible for you to stay at the same place because the police wanted to take you two because you didn't have the minimum age or standards for living alone , you didn't have any money so you decided to sell your parents house and move to another city .
After you and your brother get rid of that place you two decided to go to Tokyo being 14 atm :p (amazing idea tho)


it was a cold autumn morning , you woke up and decided to get ready to go search for something to eat , you got out of your bed and decided that you dint have anything to eat and you need to go and buy something . So you got dressed up and got to the nearest grocery shop to buy food .

After you got what you wanted and paid for the food, you decided to head home.
Nothing wrong but.. you had the feeling that something bad will happen ... your brother was now part of a gang named "Toman" , I heard about it from him , he seemed so excited about the idea , even though it could hurt him ...
Having the idea that he could get hurt more that he already had it gets you at your lower state , your brother is barely at home , and when he is , he only talks about his battles and stuff like that even if he knows that it annoys me .

The last thing he told me about was 1 day ago , he said that is an important battle and he NEEDS to go , I couldn't do anything, even if i would tell him to stay home he will still go so it was useless.
I just hope that he will be okay .

Since we moved here I made some friends , I'm not an extrovert or something like this that's why I only have 2 ot 3... and the rest are my brother's friends .


My brother didn't return home since that day .. it has been almost 12 years ,all I can think is that he died. I didn't have any motivation to do anything . Currently I'm 26 , I sold the house that I had back then , I bought a small apartment in a messy neighborhood...
Since that day I can't find any reasons to live and I don't have anyone

I kinda want to kill myself but I still have a hope that I will find someone who I can live a life like I couldn't live... having parents dead and my brother unknown situation it was kinda hard to think lightly.

So can I afford food and anything necessary I need to find something to work.

Being a person that likes animals I thought that I can get a job at a pet shop , it's also near my apartment so I can arrive fast.

So here i am , taking a shower after getting ready to go and take the job . I decided to wear a black top and some baggy jeans , being done with this I thought that this outfit would look good with a bun so I tied my h/c hair in a bun .

I grab my keys , some money and my phone with me in a small black purse , locked the door and I was heading to the pet shop

When I arrived I saw a boy with a ponytail , black hair and blonde streaks , big yellow eyes and I tiger tattoo on his neck that looked pretty cool. "Hi , are you the girl for the job?" I was surprised that he said that to me so straight , what if I wasn't and it was a random person? anyways "Oh , yes , I am L/N Y/N , pleased to meet you ! , are you the manager or something?"
he was looking deep into my eyes and was listening with attention my name like I will get mad if he forget it . "oh , I'm not the manager " he replies with a soft voice "I will get him in a minute , come with me" I just followed him quietly.

"Chifuyu , the girl is here for the job!"
"I'm coming!"
I saw a black haired boy with an undercut, beautiful teal eyes and a earring coming right from a room , there is no way that he is the manager and also the owner , he looks awesome .
"Hi , I'm Chifuyu Matsuno , the owner of the pet shop I'm glad to meet you!" he pulls his hand out of his pocket to shake my hand
"Hello , I am L/N Y/N I'm glad to meet you too!" we shakes hands and head to his office

"Okay so , listen closely miss L/N, the working program is 5 days a week , is that okay for you?"
"Yeah sure, I don't have anythinpg else to do , and I am an animal person too so i think i would like this job"
"Glad to hear that, then , I will see you on Monday, at first I want to show you all the things you would have to do so come with me"
I just followed him
"here is the cat food , and here are the cats" there were 5 cats with collars , on every dollar was a tiny silver thing with their names , the cats were jumping on me and creeping between my legs .
"I see , it seems that the cats likes you"Chifuyu says After letting out a giggle
"Yeah , everytime I see a cat it comes to me and its creeping around me" I say after I put on the carpet to play with the cats

"Oi , Kazutora , it seems like bub like L/N more than he likes you" Chifuyu says after letting out a soft laugh
"Hm?" Bub was Kazutora's favorite cat.
After seeing that Bub likes you he sat besides you and stare at your hands that were bitten by bub .

"Hey , doesn't that hurt you?" he adds
"Oh , no , I'm actually used to it so is not a really big deal :)" you replay with a soft smile and raise your head and realise that you are too close to his face , your ears turned red immediately
"I'm sorry" you said and got up
he stand up too
"I forgot to ask you what's your full name ? " he asks you
"My name is L/N Y/N , are we going to work together , isn't it?"
you look at him with a warm smile , he looks at you again, he was almost spacing out , your smile looked amazing and you were also so pretty
"Yeah ,we are going to work together, btw , I am Hanemiya Kazutora , you can call me Kazutora if you'd like too"
"Sure! nice to meet you"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2022 ⏰

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