Dodge the Bully...

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I walked into school. Mariah crossed her arms and looked at me 'well, well ,well, if it isn't stupid Savannah' everyone laughs with her in agreement. She pulls the books out of my hands and slams them on the floor. 'Hey what was that for?' I ask. She glances down at me and says 'for existing.' I had enough of her, I wanted to say some things to her, but I knew it wouldn't go well. Instead I stormed off. I sat next to Brian in Maths, Brian doesn't talk, he's super quiet, kinda like me. He's a nice kid though! However, on my other side, was Paige, Paige is a pick me girl. 'I'm one of the boys' 'I was with the boys yesterday' 'I only hang with boys.' Nobody has ever seen her girly side, but we know she's hiding it. 'Hey can I copy off of you, I'm dumb.' Paige whispers. I raise and eyebrow and say 'no thanks.' She lets out a large sigh and she lays back in her chair and rolls her eyes. The teacher asks an easy question, what's 7% of 23, I raise my hand before he finishes his sentence. However, he picks Ralph. Ralph. Really, Ralph?! Ralph looked nervous, just before he ran out of the classroom bursting in to tears. Typical Ralph. I put my hand up again. This time he picked Vanessa. She looked around and said 'what...why is everyone watching me' as she chew her gum intensely. 'We need you to answer my question' answers Mr Flynn. '45' she answers. The whole class bursts out laughing. You can tell she was embarrassed.
I felt bad.
An hour passes by quickly. Before you know it, 'RINGGGGGGG' the bells off. I grab my backpack and make my way to Science. As I walk alone Mariah shows up. I try ignore her presence and look down and walk away. However, it didn't work. She saw me. Once again, she dropped my books, 'have you got no other moves-?' I asked. Before I could speak another word it came out for me.
A punch.
I pushed my head back as I dodged the punch.
Everyone stared.
I just dodged Mariah Brook's punch.
I walked away confidently, I felt famous.
Everyone smiled at me as I walked past.
Even Sam.
I waved at him. He smiled and waved back.
This was a dream come true.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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