Four demension

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Unlike other Dxd universes. This is the universe one of the four universes.

The first demension — DxD. In addition to people ,supernatural beings live in it. They are divided into factions: demons, angels, fallen angels and others.
There are many strong ones, but there are those who can surpass even the gods. For example:

Great red.

Names: Apocalypse Dragon
True Red Dragon God Emperor
True Dragon
Dragon of Dragons (D×D)
Dragon of Dreams
The Glorious Red God of Dreams
Biggest Dragon and strongest from this demension. The God-dragon dream.


Names: Ouroboros Dragon,
Infinite Dragon God.
The second dragon god.
This universe developed in magic and technology

The second demension— Bakugan
They are huge creatures, similar to humans, animals or mythical creatures. But in DxD,  they look like a sphere. Their strength can be compared to the gods.
Their species is divided into six elements: Pyrus(fire),Darkus(dark),Chaos(light), Aquas(water) , Ventus(wind), Sabtera(earth).
For them there are six universes for each of the elements

In the very center there is a planet for all bakugans — Vestroia.

The third demension — Beyblade

They could take human form.This world consists entirely of energies.And in the very center there is a universal tree growing.And the fruits of the tree are its inhabitants themselves. Their names and forms are associated with legends from mythology.
The final demension —Krey

It is similar to DxD, but unlike species splits, they are divided into many clans.

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