(i) - encounter

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✉ ৲ in which two souls meet each other.


It is a clear day. Waking up by the chirping birds and the fragrant scent of morning dew, Mona yawns stoutly and stretches her body as a way to start her day. As someone who works in a café, her day starts very early in the morning.

Doing the usual morning routine and putting her favorite shoes on, she walks out of her apartment. Enjoying every step she does as if it is a sip of delightful fresh coffee.

Mona lives alone for her work. As a 22 years old, grown woman, she believes that it would suit her best to live by herself. Sure, it becomes troublesome at the beginning, but it gives her a sense of freedom too. It's easy to manage schedules since it only takes her to set things up.

Taking the train, listening to music with her pods while looking at the scenery. These little and mundane things are bound to be enjoyed, for it only lasts a moment. Because archon knows, today for Mona, a storm is coming.

Everything has gone well, Mona's mood is untouched and unperturbed. This is a rare occasion since Mona is famous for her unluckiness in her every activity. Perhaps it is an underlying curse that is within her, that indeed today has become another day of her luck went away.

It was nothing, really. Just a bunch of customers with too many needs, she's already used to it anyway. But today it has gone off the mile, this one group dressed perhaps as a college students, but acts like a whole gang of yakuza. Much more than that, their boss is the one that annoyed her the most and piqued her interest.

A short man with also a short navy hair, with a black jacket and jeans looking sinisterly at her. At first, it all went well with the orders. Then Mona suddenly being called with her manager, sending complain from that particular man that her coffee is too bitter. Why, he ordered an espresso with a roast, surely he knows what's the deal. But why at the end still accuse her of being irresponsible with her job? Unreasonable.

"I'm sorry sir, but respectfully I just want to clarify that our coffee is an authentic one and it will surely feels bitter. Unless of course, you add additional order for sugar syrup on the side. We will give it for you on the house as well."

"With all due respect"
was actually not the correct terms.

What Mona really want to say was,
"for the love of God you fucking idiot."

Unfortunately, that man didn't falter. "Oh, so you're the barista here? Who are you to lecture me, I did not want your free cheap syrup nor your explanation. I want you to change my orders and make a new one right now."

Mona wanting to continue the argument answered, "Of course sir, I would happily oblidge.. If you pay again that is." Faltering down to obey costumer who spit bullshits from their mouth is not Mona's way, for sure.

"What a funny joke. What kind of devotion you have? Proclaimed to be a professional but a cheap one at that. Aren't you supposed to treat costumers with a good service? What is that you want to achieve? Or.. is it simply a mean to increase your livelihood to pay for your expenses and building debts?"

"Not only the coffee, the cake here is dissapointingly yucky. What in the world are you thinking about? Is the chef also like this barista right here?" He points to Mona's face.

Mona slams right beside the cake plate and eyed at the man, shocking the entire café but who cares is what Mona thinks, she just want to let out the steam of her anger. "Good sir. This is a quiche, not a brownies. If you want an un-yucky cake just go to your dead grandma. What kind of foolish man you are causing scene in the morning like this."

That man was in silence for a moment there. As that man is close to pull Mona's corvee, before he finish standing up her manager came in between them and force bow Mona and herself.

Mona is shocked and hear her manager says, "Let's not make anymore ruckus and finish it here." Mona could not accept that. She grits her teeth in silence. Her manager then asks the man on how could they repay him and take responsibility. While the awkward silene is in awe, he then speak. His answer was not only ridiculous, but an unreasonable one also.

"Work for me. I'll pay for your whole body."

what, the - fuck?

Not only he debates and excuses are excruciatingly dumb, he now wants to buy me as if I'm a prostitute?

What is this, the colonial era?

She did not know that fate has been decided,
and they had intertwined since then.

To be continued.


Hey if you see this, thank you for visiting!
Feel free to comment with your constructive criticism or if you like the story so far, it motivates me to continue furthermore.

Once again thank you,
and see you next chapter!

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