chapter 2

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*Cassée's  pov*

today is the 10th of September, I have to leave today finally. packed my bags, bid everyone goodbye. just when I was about to leave Emily came running towards me, "are you really leaving me? can't you stay? I'll fix mom and dad...I promise" Emily was my younger sister, she received more love but she deserved it, she deserved to be happy. despite the love she got, she didn't want it, it killed her inside and I could see it, she couldn't see them loving only one of their children. she is just 11, but so mature for her age always trying to fix things, always trying to make mom and dad love me. she'd do it again and again knowing all her efforts went in vain.

"Em, it's not about them anymore, I have to make a future for us, so we can both be happy and not suffocated. I'll come back, I pinky promise, just stay and take care of yourself for me?i love you." 

I hugged her tight, tears threaten to fall. I wiped her tears, took my bags, and finally left Paris for good. 

I was staying at a studio apartment because the hostel meant drama, and I wanted to spend these 3 years going as unnoticed by all as possible. the first day in California, I was too jetlagged to start setting everything up yet, so decided on sleeping in. the next day I woke up early and started getting my apartment fixed and ready for college. by the time I was done unpacking all my stuff and putting it all in place, it was 9:30. I didn't even realize I missed lunch. the orientation must be done by now, I'll just go grab something for dinner. 

I put on some tracks and a sweatshirt grabbed my wallet and left for dinner. walking around I  found a Mcdonald's went there to eat.

coming here my main goal was to stay hidden, in the shadows, avoid attention. and I am going to achieve my goal. Cas never fails her goals. 

*Eros's pov*

today was the orientation and freshers for the new kids and as the second year's we had to organize it for them. I am just here for grades man, I need as many merits as I can get.  

I stand in the corner of the room, waiting for this bullshit to be over. just then my professor comes up to me and starts speaking "Eros so glad you showed up and helped in organizing this, I've heard you've been here since morning? go have dinner, this will take forever to end. and tell your father I said hello" of course dad, that's how all conversations with my teachers would end. 

I just nodded and left.

I was starving so I decided to actually go somewhere to eat. a few streets away was Subway, so I went inside gave my order, and sat facing the street. I looked in front, there was Mcd and a girl sitting facing the street too. I couldn't really see her but she seemed tired. 

it was almost cute how she'd doze off while eating. soon I realized what a creep I was being and focused on my sub. 

later when I had left subway, I bumped into the same girl from before. she started cursing in french? french I think. "oh I am sorry" I apologized. "fuck English...I mean I am sorry too" she awkwardly smiled and left. it was such a shame that it was too dark for me to see her face, but that voice... it'll be stuck in my head forever.

I went straight home after that, and by then it was 11, my house was pretty far from college.

"you are late, were you drinking? maybe should've named you Dionysus." father laughed, and mom joined in. 

"you are right honey, if you were a girl Eros I would've for sure named you chelone" they both were laughing like maniacs. 

"chelone?" I asked.

"goddess of lateness, keep up Eros ugh" mother left.

"study more, you keep disappointing us." dad sighed and left too.

today just got worse. 

the only greek god I know apart from Eros is Nyx. The Greek goddess of the night, the only one I loved. as I went into my room, I followed my routine. it's a simple one, I throw my bag on the bed, kick my shoes off,  go to the balcony, get my lighter out, and smoke. 

I had a pack of vanilla-flavored cigarettes, I was not a chain smoker but I'd smoke just once a day, the only way to cope up. I sit there and watch the moon disappear, her voice still lingering in my head.

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