"What's wrong babe?" He could read the expression on her face.

"These pants... they've always fit me... and I could barely get them buttoned." She looked at her waist.

"I'm sure it's nothing. You look gorgeous. I'm sure they just shrunk." He kissed her cheek. "You're so beautiful."

"No, I need to workout more. I've been eating crappy. Enough is enough." She shook her head.

He turned her around and cupped her face. "Melania, you are stunning. I don't want you to change a thing about yourself. Don't overexert yourself. It's not worth it. I've noticed how long you've been sleeping."

"Donald. No. I don't care. I'm not getting fat." She gets emotional.

"Melania.. stop it. You're far from fat. Don't beat yourself up. Maybe it's just stress. Just relax." He kisses her softly. "I can't wait to be alone with you this weekend."

She smiled, but the thought made her stomach flip.

As they got on the plane, he could tell she didn't feel good.

He sat down, rubbing circles on her back. "You okay, baby?"

"No, I feel like crap." She admitted.

Now... he has always known she hates take off when they fly.

She always holds his hand and closes her eyes and they are all good.

This time was a whole nothing level.

As the plane took off the air, he watched her start to turn green.

"Melania....." He asks and she just shakes her head.

He knew what that meant.

He quickly got up and got a trash can, handing it to her, just in time for her to empty all the contents of her stomach.

He winced watching her throw up, but he didn't go anywhere. He sat beside her, holding her brunette locks out of her face.

She sat the trash can down and he handed her a bottle of water. "That was disgusting." She gags, just at the thought.

He kisses her head. "Babe, are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine. I probably just ate something bad." She takes a napkin, cleaning her mouth. "Do you have a toothbrush I can use?"

He helps her to the bathroom, 100% concerned about his wife. "Do we just need to stay home? We can go back."

"Donald. I'm fine. Don't worry about me. We need this weekend. Just relax." She tries to reassure him, but it was in vain.

She cuddled up in his side for the rest of the flight, sleeping most of the way.

They arrived at Maralago, cleaned up, and set off for dinner on the patio.

"I'm craving... a burger and some fries." She murmured out loud, holding his hand as they walked.

"That sounds amazing." He kisses her cheek.

They order and spend time catching up waiting for their food.

They set her plate in front of her and Donald watched the look on her face change. "Melania, what is wrong?"

She said nothing, getting up and running for the ladies' room, her hand over her mouth.

"Not again." He thought.

He got up and followed her, waiting outside the door.

She walked out looking like crap and he gently grabbed her arm. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine. Im just a little queasy. Go eat."

"No... we are going back to our room and you are going to rest." He informed her.

She couldn't argue. She was exhausted.

They had a sexless night. She felt guilty about it; but he was completely fine with it. He was concerned about her well being and sex was the last thing on his mind.

When she woke up the next morning, she found him, sitting in his robe watching the news. "I thought you were golfing this morning?"

"Hell, no. I'm not leaving you." He sounded almost overly protective.

"No, you've been dying to golf for weeks. I'm fine. I feel better." The truth was, she felt like crap, but she wasn't going to tell him that.

Somehow, she finally convinced him to go.

After throwing up numerous times, she fumbled around their bathroom cabinet. "Come on... I know I had one left!" She cursed under her breath.

There had to be a reason she felt so bad.

She flung open a drawer... and there it was- a pregnancy test.

Leftover from their last pregnancy scare.

"I can't believe I'm doing this. There's no way I'm pregnant." She told herself as she undid the wrapper. "No way in hell."

She took the test leaving it on the bathroom counter.

It was the longest 5 minutes of her entire life.

The timer on her phone went off, signaling that it was time to check.

She walked in anxiously, biting her lip and shaking, knowing her future was all depended on the result on the other side of that test.

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