39 - Maybe The Hips Just Don't Lie

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I rubbed my forehead with my fingertips. "Really I was only warming up. Not sure my uncle would like it if I actually dated her."

"Well," Sam shrugged, "you could do worse." He nodded to Roara, who was being spun around by Loki on the dance floor.

"What, like an Asgardian prince?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, like a murderer." He shook his head. "She's too good for him."

"Oh please Sam." I giggled. "You're not jealous are you?"

He took one look at my face and burst out laughing. "God no!"

"Okay good, because Bucky was already staring daggers at him." I played with the hem of my dress.

"Hey, I never got you to do a twirl for me. C'mon girl give me a spin."

I grinned and spun in a little circle. Sam clapped. "I like it!" He announcement.

"You do? I thought I was upstaged by the demigod over there."

"Oh no, her dress is nice, but yours is better." He winked and gave me a little side hug. "I think they're coming over." He nodded to where Roara was leading Loki off the dance floor.

"Quit being paranoid, she probably just wants another drink."

"Hey!" Roara said, cheeks pink.

I smiled at her. "How's it going..." I drew out the sentence far too long to be necessary.

"It's going well actually. I still can't dance after 405 years of trying very hard, someone's made that very clear." She gave Loki a hard one over, very different to the love-struck way she'd been looking into his eyes as they danced. This girl really couldn't make up her mind it seemed.

"It's not my fault you were gifted with two left feet." Loki shrugged.

"Hilarious. One long island iced tea please." 

"Make that two." I called to the bartender.

Roara twisted her mouth into a half smile. "Are we intending to get drunk tonight?"

"I was hoping so." Sam muttered.

I poked him. "Sam, play nice."

A club tune started up behind us, the thumping beat making the floor feel like it was vibrating. It was about 128 bpm. I had a love hate relationship how my brain analysed everything in a medical sense now. It was like there was a tiny doctor in the back of my head lecturing to me 24/7. God knows how sex would be because how the hell would I be able to stay in the moment when I was thinking about the hormones, hearing the beat of their heart, whether their mouth was dry or not, automatically seeing if their pupils were dilated or not.  Roara closed her eyes and rolled her head around her neck.

"This, now I like this." She grinned. 

"You can't dance!" Loki protested as she downed her drink and walked back onto the dance floor.

"I can't do classy dances!" She shouted. "But I sure as hell can make men blush!"

"I think this is my queue!" I shouted, pushing off the bar to follow her and waving a small goodbye to Sam. "See, I too can make men blush!"

"Are you going without me!" Sam caught up to me, as I made my way through the dense crowd of moving bodies. "I too can shake some booty." He dropped low and wiggled. I was very tempted to giggle.

I saw Roara make her way over to Wanda who was using her telekinesis to move shots from the bar over the crowd. Roara moved her hand and one of the shots moved towards her. Wanda raised her shot in a toast as I was able to catch mine in my hands. The four of us clinked glasses and down the burning liquid.

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