Goode is evil

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They got back not too long after they left. I sighed noticing Sam hadn't stopped. Ziggy was upstairs with her and I was waiting downstairs for their return. "It didn't work." I said and sat down. Deena gave me a look, I stood back up again "What? What is it?" She looked down "I think you should go get Ziggy, we need to talk." I hurried up the stairs. " I knew it wouldn't work." She said before looking at me, she stopped when she saw the worried look on my face. " What?" I grabbed her hand and started leading her downstairs. "Apparently they need to talk to us?"

I sank to the floor in shock, Ziggy fell to her knees beside me.

It couldn't be, why would he have done that? Why would he do that to us? To Tommy, to everyone?? Oh my god. Nick Goode is the reason that Alice died. He's the reason that Cindy, Tommy, Joan, Gary, Jeremey and so many innocent kids lost their lives. And what did he do? He tried to play the hero. He tried to 'Save' everyone. Hell I even had him help save Ziggy. He definitely had something to do with her coming back. He had to, theres no other way she would've lived. He could've taken it all back if he wanted to. He could've actually saved them, but he didn't.

I was brought back to reality hearing her gasp. "But I- I called him. I thought...he could help."  I couldn't focus, I couldn't stop thinking about him. The nice Counsellor at camp. The good kid always putting others first, but no. He killed them, not directly, but he did. It was all his fault, I just couldn't understand why he would do this? He seemed too...good? I wasn't hearing what they were all saying around me it was all muffled out by my thoughts. It felt like my brain was on fire and screaming, but I definitely snapped back when Deena said "We can end this tonight for real. We have to kill Nick Goode." "We have to." I agreed. This motherfucker took everything from me. Everything but her, he took everything from her too. He deserves what's coming to him.

A/n: sorry for the short chapter, I also didn't proofread it so it probably won't be too great. Just wanted to post something because I didn't know where to take this part, I promise it'll get better when the mall stuff starts happening. Anyway, hope you enjoy! :)

Whatever it takes- Older Ziggy Berman x Fem reader Where stories live. Discover now