40 - And I Felt Fireworks

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"I just wanted to protect the girl I loved but Odin decided that was unacceptable." He shook his head as he laughed dryly.

"Are you drunk?" I echoed his own question back to him.

He waved a hand vaguely. "Very, but that's not the point."

"No, you must be, because you left me. You left. You saw what you'd done and just-"

"I never left you Roara. Odin sent Thor and his soldiers as soon as I'd done it. They pulled me away from you and locked me up." He snarled, taking a step closer to me.

"Loki, you're scaring me." I whispered as I backed away. This was not the man I'd been dancing with just a few hours ago. He's drunk, I told myself, he's drunk and pissed off that you were upset by what he said earlier, he doesn't know what he's talking about.

He moved closer to me, forcing me back against the wall. "I'm scaring you? Maybe you should be scared of me."

"No." I said, voice quivering. "It's not true."

"Oh, and you know everything now do you Roara?" He shook his head. "You know all about me?"

"You told me I saw you, that I was the only person to see you." I swallowed and forced myself to take a step forward.

"I was lying." He spat. "Because I can't be what you want, what you need. You want someone sensitive and respectful and decent," he spat the word like venom, "go for Steve Rogers. I'm not that, I never pretended to be that."

"You left!" I shouted. "Thor told me-"

"Oh, my brother." Loki laughed. "My brother who took you to Asgard, who forced everyone to be silent about what happened?"

Just then Alina burst into the room. "I heard shouting, what the fuck is going on here?"

"Oh look, another midgardian committed to silence." Loki growled, walking towards her.

I looked at her, up and down, and even though her expression alone was enough I still forced myself to speak. "You knew?"

"Roara I-"

"DID YOU KNOW?" I screamed.

"Thor made me promise-"

"Who else knows?" I asked, pouring myself more whiskey and downing it in one.

Alina took a step into the room, making an effort to ignore Loki, her gold dress glinting in the light. "Roara, please." She begged.

"Who. Else. Knows." I snarled.

Her eyes filled with tears as she spoke. Good. She should feel guilty. "St-steve." She stammered. "And Natasha."

I nodded. Then threw my smashed onto the floor, making Alina jump. "When?" I asked.

"Before you woke up. Roara I am so sorry, Thor told us to keep quiet, that he'd tell you when the time was right."

I laughed dryly. "When the time was right? You lied to me, let me believe that for months Ali. Months. And you," I turned to Loki. "How could you?"

"How could I?" He placed a hand on his chest. "I didn't leave. And now you know. Doesn't that make things better?"

"Better? Better? Loki it makes things worse!" I felt my arms burst into flames with my anger. "I had just come to terms, accepted, forgiven even, your leaving. And now you're telling me you lied to me? You still betrayed me Loki. You promised, you-" I had to stop myself. I was crying now. "UGH!" I yelled, kicking the broken shards of my glass across the floor. "LOKI!" I screamed, anger cracking through every letter of his name.

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