37 - No Can Do Hunky

Start from the beginning

"It's only a party." I replied.

"How many parties have you been to?" Steve caught up with us half way down the hall.

"Let me think... in this century? None." I replied.

"Exactly." Bucky said, kicking open the door to my bedroom. It now resembled the place Gaea had taken me to the week before, with dark green walls and vines climbing up around the window. There were photos above the bed of me and the team, taken in between meetings and during meals. Bucky threw me down on my bed and the two men stood side by side, hands on hips, staring at me.

"We've made some rules." Steve told me.

"Steve has made some rules, I have no part in that." Bucky corrected.

I sat back, surveying them carefully.

"What we mean is-"

"No drinking too much, no flirting too much, no hard drugs, no insulting guests, no dropping water bombs on guests, no killing the guests-"

"I'm going to cut you off right there boys." I stood up, brushing myself off. "You two don't own me. I'll drink as much as I like and I'll flirt as much as I like." I winked at Bucky who just continued to give me a hard stare. "Also you guys didn't say no sex, so that's still on the table. Maybe literally." I looked Bucky up and down slowly, biting my lip. Still no reaction. Why did he have to be so difficult to get a rise out of? I was going to have to try harder later tonight. "So I'm going to have to say a hard pass on those rules. You're making it sound like no fun. At least Loki has a sense of humour."

"Technically this is a work event." Steve reminded me. "I've got to get going. I just came here to say-"

"Be on my best behaviour?" I guessed.

"You've got it in one." Steve said. "I'll see you later Bucky." Bucky nodded in response.

After the door closed behind Steve, Bucky looked at me, arms crossed.

"What?" I asked.

"Why'd you have to bring Loki into everything?"

"I don't."

"Yes." Bucky took a step towards me. "You do."

"He's my friend, we spend a lot of time together." I shrugged.

"And that's all?" Bucky was really pushing it.

"Bucky." I sighed, opening my door. "It's just like it is with you and me. We've known each other a long time and we're only friends. I'm not exactly looking for a relationship at the moment."

Bucky said nothing so I left my room. He knew where the door was, he could see himself out.

"Wanda, how many layers of mascara do you need to apply?" I sat cross legged on her floor, playing a card game with Alina and Nat.

"As many as it takes." She replied, continuing to brush her lashes.

"She'll be like this for hours." Nat sighed. "Go fish."

Alina groaned. "You're gonna annihilate me."

Nat winked. "That's rather the point don't you think?"

"Girls, please, do we have to flirt incessantly?" I groaned.

"Hey, you're not one to talk." Wanda shouted from her position at her vanity. "Haven't you got all the boys wrapped around your little finger?"

"Not all of them." I placed another card down.

"Oh yeah, who haven't you been making bedroom eyes at?" Nat challenged me.

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