Law and Justice Summary.

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When a girl named Stephen who left Yorkshire and went London to visit her aunt's house but when she had reached in Afternoon in Northampton there was a dead body of young man who was died on ground she was inspecting that dead body. When she had reached in her aunt's house there was her two cousins Kate and Marry but in evening she took  a room in hotel no 307. But in room no 308 there was mystery in that room she had left that city to took holidays  but there were lots of circumstances behind there. Next day, she was in cafe there was a police chief who knew her but suddenly she had lost her memory. He left cafe to said her he was gone days passed, she had an accuse of her colleague's murder. 31st August, she had punishment of living in custody then her lawyer who was proving her innocent at first he didn't proved her innocent. At midnight, there was a mistery  in room no. 308  a dead body of young man there was a bad smell in that room that man was died from 3 days. "Second, the man who died was her colleague and  she killed him" Prosecution's argument
She had punishment of living in custody.

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