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Regulus pov

Me and rose head down stairs for breakfast. Suddenly i here soft snoring in my ear i already knew that rose had gone back to sleep.
"Rose baby you got to stay awake" i say. She lifted her little head of my shoulder and replying with an "ok dada". Soon we arrive at the bottom of the stairs and we are greeted with my cousin Andromeda or as rose calls her andi bidding us a good morning as do i "so a new year at  hogwarts starts tomorrow" ted andi's husband started " oh ya" i say realizing that im going to have to go back to Hogwarts.

"Are you nervous"andi asks takeing another bite of her eggs." Kind of i mean i know people are going to talk and say mean things but i wouldn't trade rose for the world" i say takeing a bite of pancake and feeding a small piece to rose who's siting in her high chair.
After breakfast me and rose go back up stairs so we can brush our teeth and our hair when we are done i lifted rose off the bathroom counter and place her on my hip.
When we enter our bedroom i set her on the bed and walked over to my desk to grab rose her coloring book and some crayons and me my school work so i dont have to stay up late.

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