The start of Carvie Part 1

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Carlos and Jane are sitting on the couch in carlos dorm watching TV while waiting for Mal and Evie to come back from the shop. 

Jane suddenly turns to Carlos and blurts out that she wants to break up and Carlos starts sobbing as Jane gets up from the couch and slams the door leaving Carlos crying into the pillow he is holding. Jay walks in and sees Carlos crying into the pillow and he is immediatly worried about his best friend. He immediatly drops what he is holding and runs over to his best friend like brother. "What's wrong bro?" 

"Don't worry about me bro go and do what you need to do i'll be fine without the support I just need time to heal..." 

"You sure?" 


"Ok i'll go tell Mal and Evie what happened to you"

"Ok see you in 5" 

"Bye" Jay runs out of the door and rushes to the girls dorm to tell them the BAD news. Jay gets to their dorm and knocks on the door ready to break the news. 

"Hey Jay sup?" 

"Nothing do you know what happened? It's really bad and Carlos is heartbroken right now. When you have a chance do you wanna pop down to our dorm and try and cheer him up?" 

"Sure me and Evie will come down at 5 in the afternoon to come and see how he is doing see you later" 

"Ok bye"

"Bye" Jay goes back to his dorm to confort Carlos leaving the girls to chat. 

"I can't believe what Jane did to Carlos breaking his heart like she did"

"Me neither we'll go over at 5 and hang out with him to cheer him up but right now I'm going to text Carlos" 

Come back for Chapter 2 coming tommorrow or maybe later. Bye Angels! See you later!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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