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You wake up with the sun piercing through your eyes. You roll over to grab your phone.

"No new notifications"

"Great." you sigh

You sit up and stretch your arms. You race down the stairs to see if your parents have left for their vacation yet.

You look out the window and see no cars parked.

"Yes!" you say with a tiny smile on your face

You run back up stairs to get ready for the day. You put on a bit of eyeliner and pull your messy hair into a ponytail making sure to pull out the front pieces.

You put on a short black skirt with thigh high socks with a small shirt that accentuates your figure. You pull out your phone to take a quick picture of your outfit.


You wait for the many dms from guys to flood in.

"Jacob sent you a new message"

"Cody sent you a new message"

"? sent you a new message"

You go to look at the most recent message from "?"

?- You look very beautiful today (y/n) , I can't wait to see you later.

You don't know if you should reply or not. After thinking for a few seconds and in a moment of desire and desperation you decide to respond.

y/n- Oh yeah? And when will I be seeing you today?

You look at your phone and bite your nail as you hit send. You throw your phone onto your bed and scream not believing that you actually just did that.

In a matter of seconds you hear his reply.

?- Tonight. I'll be coming over.

You grab your phone to see what it says. You think he's joking so you reply with

y/n- Of course, how could I forget that we had plans! Can't wait to see you ;)

You hit send. You wait for a reply but nothing. You feel hopeless that you'll ever be in love again. You think that you don't deserve to be in love or to be loved.

To pass the time and distract yourself you decide to tidy up your room and do your laundry.

When you're done you lay down on your clean freshly made bed and fall asleep.

You wake up an hour later with a headache. You check the time

*7:05 pm*

You get on your phone and scroll through snap stories. You get a new message from "?".

?- Still waiting for me to come over? I'll be there soon darling.

You thought he was going to ghost you. You didn't expect a reply. You don't know what to say. What could you say?

Just trying to joke along with him you say

y/n- All the doors are unlocked. Make yourself at home.

You get an uneasy feeling about this. You check to make sure your snap location is off. It is on. You turn it off as fast as you can. You get another message.

?- I think it's a bit too late to turn off your location. I'm already here.

You don't think it's just a joke anymore. You don't know what to do. You can't move. You sit there with chills running down your spine.

You run down the stairs to lock all of the doors. After you've locked all of them you text your sister.

y/n- Help I think someone is going to break in. What do I do?

Sister- Haha funny joke y/n. I'm busy text mom or dad if this is serious.

You're trying not to cry while you text them.

y/n- Someone is going to break in, do I leave or stay here? Should I call 911?

Before you can send the text you feel so stupid. Of course you should call 911. You dial 911 and frantically scream out the words

"Help someone is breaking into my house."

You give the police your location.

Police- Stay where you are, we're on our way.

You hang up still in shock that this is happening.

You go into the living room and curl up into a ball and start crying.

Minutes pass.

When you can finally calm down you hear a loud crash coming from the side of your house. You get up and before you can move a hand covers your mouth.

?- Scream and i'll slit your throat

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