the actual beggining

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//the last chapter was just a test, now this is where it all actually starts

You were walking home when Vyn called "Hello?" you said in a questioning tone "Can you come over please?" Vyn asked, it sounded like he had been crying. "Eh? I guess." you replied and then hung up "huh, odd" you thought.

You arrived at Vyn's house and knocked. "Come in" you heard a quiet voice say. You went in through the door and saw Vyn sitting on the floor crying "Mc you're finally here." He said reaching to wipe his tears. "Oh my god! Are you okay Vyn?!?!" You asked him in a worried tone. "Yeah, I've just been down lately." He replied, you obviously didn't believe him. "You're a psychiatrist aren't you supposed to you know...not be sad?" You asked laughing at how pathetic his figure looked. "Ugh, I just...." he said hesitating at what he was about to say. "God, just shut up, you look so pathetic it makes me laugh." You said while going over to him to kiss him. "But makes me want you more" you said while leaning in to kiss him. He responded by kissing you back.

You threw Vyn on his bed. "Just remember to follow my rules." you tell him in a stern tone. "Right." he replied. You slowly started touching him, making him whine under your touch. "Shh." you said. You slowly rubbed his clothed dick, teasing him endlessly was your hobby. He moaned as you just barely touched him "hah, cute" you said, continuing to touch him softly.

//I can't I'm ending this here for now, inspiration when? 

(sub) vyn x (dom) reader Where stories live. Discover now