Chapter One: The Beginning

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I could hear their blood curdling screams as our neighbors in the apartment above tried to escape the astronomical blast.  A mere few moments ago I had been ditching class with Tina and Travis, when  suddenly sirens started to go off, cop cars yelling to take cover inside a building, and military tanks began rolling down the street in a major effort to alert the general public.  The twins and I immediately jumped off the stone brick wall and sprinted into our apartment building.  We were panicked and decided since my mom was at work it would be the best place to hide for our safety.  I had no idea what we were to expect and when we reached my first floor apartment out of breath we immediately ran to turn on the television.   

"HOLY MACKERALS GUYS! WHAT IS GOING ON?!? YOU'D THINK THIS WAS A ZOMBIE APOCOLYPSE OR SOMETHING," exclaimed Travis, Tina's twin brother.  We had flipped the channel to the news station and were unable to understand what we were watching.  The news showed clips of outer space and focused on a giant mass headed straight for earth.  No one really knew what the mass was aside from a huge asteroid aimed directly at us. It was falling so fast that chunks of fire were falling off.  The chunks were not small either.  NASA feared that if a mass that large passed too closely to the moon it would suck it in gravitaionally wise and both masses would be a threat to those here on earth.  

I live in a three story apartment building.  My home is on the first floor, just south of the main entrance with a lovely view of the pool.  The moment I realized we might be stoned to death any second I calmly walked over to my two bestest friends and told them how much I loved them and couldn't be happier to spend my possible last moments with the two people that were closest to family I had ever known. We crawled underneath the dining table and held hands. Later, when we crawled out from beneath the wreckage that was once my home, I would always clearly remember the glimpse of falling debris and stone that fell from the sky crushing the earth and all that inhabited it. The blast poured down relentlessly like rain and the screams and terror from those struck were heard. Car alarms honked and the sounds intertwined with the incessant beating of the asteroids until all i heard and saw was complete blackness.

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