My Answers

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So, I got tagged by shavingforsherl0ck to do this. This is for you! :D

Please, respect what I have to say, and thanks for reading! Here goes nothing!


Have You Ever?

Skipped Class? Nope. I'm a bit of a teacher's pet, to be honest.

Done Drugs? Big fat no, and I don't plan on it.

Self-Harmed? I can't stand the sight of my blood when it gets drawn at the doctor's office. I couldn't stand self harm at all.

Drank Alcohol? Underage, so no.

Shop Lifted? I hate shopping, so no as well.

Gotten A Tattoo? No, and I don't plan on it.

Broken Up With Somebody? Thank God, no. Never been in a relationship before in my life.



Show? Just one? Doctor Who (check out "The Bad Wolf Chronicles," "Apocalypse Rising," and "The Creators Saga" for my DW fanfictions!), NCIS, NCIS: New Orleans, Mythbusters, and Agents of SHIELD

Movie? The Nightmare Before Christmas, The Avengers, X-Men: Days of Future Past, and Thor: The Dark World.

Song? Call me a classics freak, but I love the Corelli Christmas Concerto and Vivaldi's Winter from The Four Seasons. I also like the Game of Thrones Main Theme (trust me, I DO NOT watch the show).

Artist? Vincent Van Gogh for actual art. Songwise, Trans-Siberian Orchestra.

Memory? When my friend Sofia and I met Richard Ricardo the Cricket (long story, he's a secret agent for the insect MI6).

Book? The Sevenwaters Series by Juliet Marillier.


This Or That?

Invisibility or Flying? Invisibility, though I really would love to fly

Cookies or Cake? Cake. FROSTING!!!

Twitter or Facebook? It's sad, because I don't have, want, or care about either. Can I just say Wattpad?

Movie or Book? Meh. As long as they have a decent plot and I understand the gist of it, I don't care.

Coke or Sprite? Carbonated drinks in general . . . *gags*

Blind or Deaf? To be honest . . . blind. I love my hearing, and I couldn't bear not listening to music.

Coffee or Tea? Hot chocolate. :P



Age? 16.

Sign? Libra.

Height? Last I checked, 5'3.

Sexual Orientation? 99.99999999% sure I'm straight.

Shoe Size? 8 1/2

Religion? Lutheran.


Opinion On?

Gay Rights: Give it to them! You can't blame someone for who they're born to be. If they love someone of the same gender, let them be. Some of my friends are gay, and they're absolutely amazing.

Tumblr: Thought about it. Probably not, though.

Abortion: I don't like this debate just because I think it's a simple answer. It's a woman's body, it's the woman's choice about what she wants to do with her baby. If that includes an abortion, I support her choice.

Marijuana: No comment.

Second Chances: I definitely believe in second chances. But I do think it would depend on what happened on their first chance . . . like cheating or having an affair. Then I might just slap the guy and pretend the crack in the wall ate him up (for those of you who got the reference, you have my respect).

Long-Distance Relationships: If you're meant to be, you're meant to be, even over long distances. :) Nothing will change that.


So, there's your little taste of myself. :) Hope it suits you all!

I'll be tagging the next people I want to do this in the comments. :) Thank you for not judging (hopefully)!

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