Chapter 2

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I never really looked at regular guys in that light before,  I mean how could I when there are hot celebrity guys out there who are dream boyfriend material. My standards were very high, it's funny because I made a list of 50 things I wanted in a guy (I had a lot of free time on my hands) you didn't even get one physical traits and that was 25, The personal traits well I didn't get to know you so I can't say.

I woke up at the sound of my beaming phone. message Message MESSage MESSAGE. I rolled my eyes at the caller  ID.
Cloe: Why don't you like him? 

Me: Umm I don't know him.......

Cloe: Well he's cute, funny and smart. What else do you want to know?

"OMG," I laughed out loud causing my mother to give me that 'AreYouOk' look as she stalked passed my bedroom door. 

Cloe: Sit beside me in class today OK.

I had no idea what that she devil was planning but I decided to just do as told.

I dashed through the hall ways in the search of our class room (when we got relocated).
To my surprise there was no teacher in sight ( Apart of me hoped they wouldn't find their way)
A smile stretched across my face as I took a seat beside Cloe.
" What's up bitch?" I asked surveying my surroundings, the Jennifers sat two seats away from each other,  passing notes with smirks imprinted on  their faces. It was strange they weren't sitting together I thought they were inseparable.

Cloe began giving me multiple reasons on why to like you,  At first I was nodding hardly paying attention until she asked.

" So do you like him? " her gaze  shifted from to a tall dark figure leaning in as if to hear what was being said. I followed her gaze to see you turn your head a little until I noticed. She planned this damn thing for you to get an up front answer.

"Why am I not surprised " I mumbled shaking my head
" huh? " she asked
"Um Cloe, he sounds like a nice guy" I said watching your expressionless face transform into a surprisingly handsome smile.

" So do you like him?" she repeated

"I don't know him,Cloe you telling me these things about him won't magically make me fall head over heels for this guy" I spat causing the Jennifer's to glance our way.

You simply shifted forward with your eyes glued on board. I sat there wondering what was going through your mind, If you were hurt or just didn't care.

Why though, why do I have to care.  I think it sucks that girls have to go through all these emotions. Even if we try to hide it, it eats us alive.

Then boys,  well most of them, they don't show any emotions on whether their hurt or what there thinking, how was there day, If they like like us. Sometimes I get so frustrated, I always believed in action speaks louder than words.  But now to me actions are confusing, one day I think you like me, the next it's like you  hate my guts.

I wish you'd just say something.

I sighed as the teacher came in the class ready to start her lesson.  I don't know when or why I started to care less about my school work. It used to be my number one priority.

I took out a spicy romance novel to continue my reading from yesterday night. I believe you were forcing your self not to look back my way. You look pretty tense and when I laughed at a remark in my book.  Your breathing stood still until you finally found the courage to look around for a split second.

I smiled shaking my head,  " he's cute" my sub-conscious blurted out.  " his actions" I corrected.

I got up and returned to my correct seat to my surprise you sat right beside me. It was strange since it was the middle of the school year and I was just noticing that.

I looked in front of you to see a massive space that could fit another desk and chair.

" Tyler can't you go up some more, dude I can hardly sit in my seat" I heard an unfamiliar voice wined. 

My mouth dropped open as I saw the desks in your row pushed to the very back. A chuckle escaped my lips as I turned to look at you.

Disappointment filled your eyes as you did as you were told.
A warm filling breezed through my chest as it went down to settle in my tummy, it started bubbling causing me to smile.

I may look heartless and cold on the outside only showing compassion to animals, but I'm not, I'm a totally softy who's boy crazy.  I don't show that though. It may seem like I hate boys, I just don't like it easy, I love the chase.

It makes it worse for me since i'm a hopeless romantic. Well half of me is anyway the other half is a realist and it sucks.

My heart sunk at the realization that you have given me butterflies. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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