Tuck eats Kyle

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At the Forest...

Kyle and Tuck were walking through the path of the Forest. Tuck wasn't wearing his Mighty Gear.

Kyle FKZF: So Tuck, I know I shared some stuff about myself. But you and your Sister didn't tell me your backstory.

Tuck: Well Ky, now that you mention it. Here's me and Ella's backstory, Me and Ella are quite good Golden Retriever's, we lived in the Desert and everything was good. But one day, our parents were killed after they fell into a deep canyon when they saved my sister and me and Ella were on our own for a long time. And ever since we came to Adventure Bay, things turned around for us. But ever since we joined you guys, things were WAY better.

Kyle FKZF: Very convincing.

Tuck: Yeah, quite convincing.

Kyle FKZF: Did you know that your Sister ate me?

Tuck: She did what?!

Kyle FKZF: Well, I've always wondered what it's like inside of her mouth, and that happened like last week.

Tuck: Why would my own Sister do such a thing?

Kyle FKZF: She agreed to it. And the surprising thing is that I didn't die inside of her Big Tummy.

Tuck: That. Is the most shocking and grossest thing I've heard from you.

Kyle FKZF: But hey, I lived! It's not like she's gonna lose me or anything.

Tuck: Good point.

But then, Kyle started to shrink.

Kyle FKZF: What?! What the hell's going on?!

Tuck looked back and Kyle wasn't there.

Tuck: Hello? Kyle! Where did you go?

Kyle FKZF: I'm down here Tuck!

Tuck: Huh, how'd you get so small?

Kyle FKZF: Never mind that, can you just gimme a ride back to the Lookout?

Tuck: Sure, hop on my back.

Kyle FKZF: Okay.

Kyle climbed up Tuck's back paw and climbed up his leg and got onto Tuck's furry back and sat down on it.

Kyle FKZF: Whoa! Mmmmmmmm!

Tuck: Kyle, what are you doing? That feels good.

Kyle FKZF: Your fur is so warm and soft!

Tuck: Hang on Ky, I'll bring you home.

Tuck with Kyle on his furry back walked through the Forest, back to town, back to the Lookout.

In town...

Tuck and Kyle arrived in town and they were walking through the Bay bridge.

Kyle FKZF: Wow! The view when I'm on your back in Tiny size is so cool!

Tuck: Yes it is.

But then, Kyle fell off of Tuck's back and hits the ground.

Kyle FKZF: Oof!!

Tuck: Kyle! Are you alright?! (Worried)

Kyle FKZF: Ahhh. That hurt.

Tuck: You alright?

Kyle stands up.

Kyle FKZF: Ah! Yeah, I'm fine. My leg is sprained a little.

Tuck: That's good.

Tuck licks Kyle with his tongue 4 times.

Kyle FKZF: Ooh! Why'd you do that?

Tuck: Sorry, I just did that because you're okay.

Kyle FKZF: You're acting like Ella, she gets worried when I get hurt.

Tuck: I'm sorry that you fell off my back.

Kyle FKZF: I knew it was a bad idea, open up your mouth and gimme a ride back in your mouth.

Tuck: Ew. Ok?

Tuck opens up his mouth and Kyle steps inside and he closed his mouth and had his cheeks goubled up. Kyle was standing on Tuck's Tongue.

Kyle FKZF: Alright Tuck. Get goin'.

Tuck walked back to the Lookout and after 3 minutes, he stopped walking.

Kyle FKZF: Tuck, why'd you stop?

Tuck didn't say anything, instead he tilted his head back and Kyle fell towards Tuck's throat.


Tuck then swallowed Kyle.

Tuck: (Gulp)

Kyle was inside of Tuck's stomach and he started wagging his tail.

Kyle FKZF: (Screaming) Tuck! Tuck! TUCK! Let me out of here!

Tuck: Whoops.

Tuck: ...

Tuck: To be honest, he did taste good. He tastes like bread.

Tuck's stomach growled with Kyle inside.

Tuck: Ah!

Ella appears.

Ella: Oh, hey Tuck. Did you and Kyle enjoy your walk?

Tuck: Yeah.

Ella: Wait, where is Kyle?

Kyle FKZF: Ella! I'm in here!

Ella heard Kyle's voice from inside of Tuck's stomach.

Ella: Tuck! My bro! Why'd you eat him?

Tuck: He told me to-

Ella: I get it. You did that to keep him safe like I do.

But then, Tuck's stomach was growling fast.

Tuck: (Groaning) My stomach's hurting.

Ella: Tuck, are you okay little bro?

Tuck coughed 3 times and spat Kyle out of his mouth.

Ella: Hey! How'd my Kyle get so small?

Tuck: I don't know. But now that he's out of my stomach can you take care of him?

Ella: Sure. He's my best friend. I'll take care of him.

Ella then grabbed Kyle with her mouth and carried him to a tree.

Ella: (To Herself) Don't worry Ky, We'll find someway to bring you back to your original size again.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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