Quackity dropped the razor into the water cup and turned to Wilbur. "Give me a towel."

Wilbur handed him a slightly grey towel that had once been white, and Quackity wiped his face off. He slung the towel over his shoulder.

Quackity stood with his hip cocked out and looked at Wilbur. "Well, aren't you going to help me with my tie?"

The moment Wilbur stood and took both ends of Quackity's tie in his hands, Wilbur's face so close he could feel the warm tickle of his breath, Quackity realized what a huge f-ing mistake he'd made. His lips pressed against Wilbur's over and over as Wilbur pulled him in by his collar, his hands running through the soft brown and white curls.

"You know, you were supposed to tie my tie, not take my f-ing shirt off," Quackity said as he rebuttoned his shirt some time later.

"You just said to help you with it. I helped you remove it. And I don't recall you objecting at all."

"F-ck you," Quackity said, picking up the towel and throwing it at Wilbur.

"If you'd like," Wilbur shrugged and smiled coyly. "I mean I really don't have any other plans for today."

"Well I do. I've got meetings and presentations and-"

"And you'd rather stay here."

Quackity took a long, lingering look at Wilbur. "F-ck yes."

"You have to go."


"This never happened," Wilbur's voice seemed a bit sad as he said the words Quackity had repeated three times before.

"No. I wasn't even here." Quackity turned and walked to the door, opening it.

"And is it never going to happen again?" Wilbur sounded a bit hopeful.

Quackity turned and shrugged with a slight smile. "Who knows? I mean we both know I'm the real reason you hang around Las Nevadas."

Wilbur just smiled and shrugged without a word of denial.

Wilbur watched as Quackity walked away, back towards Las Nevadas. He saw him stop, then his hands moved as though he was having an argument with himself, perhaps on whether or not to look back or even come back. Wilbur raised his brows wondering if he actually would, but no, after a minute he continued up the hill without even a glance. Wilbur waved to Quackity's back as he disappeared from sight. He allowed a smirk to cross his lips now that there was no one to witness it. All things considered, this was going better than he could have dared to dream.


Quackity bounced his pen on his desk. Meetings! Endless f-ing meetings! All the time this sh-t or that sh-t. The dancers wanted to form a union, the Tubburger needed diner themed furniture, five new business proposals were scheduled for the afternoon. And all he could think about was Wilbur. 

That last smile haunted his thoughts. He'd just said it out of false arrogance, but maybe it was true, or, at least, he was part of the reason Wilbur was hanging around. If it was, that was a f-ing lot to do to get his attention.

Well, Wilbur had it now.

He needed to stop it, get his head out of the burger truck and back to business. This was what he thrived on, afterall. This was his domain, one the likes of Wilbur Soot would only find soul-crushingly boring. Wilbur was made to stand in front of the lights of Las Nevadas, but Quackity was born to make them shine. Wilbur was great at inspiring people, his charisma always brought them in. He knew how to work a f-ing crowd. He was a natural leader. If he hadn't f-ed everything up so badly he probably still would be.

The Blinding Light of Sunrise - TNT Duo Dream SMP AU FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang