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i glanced around the mall hoping that i just wasn't looking hard enough, but deep down i knew he wasn't coming. i wanted him to be there so badly, but i knew he hadn't changed since the last time.

i'd been dating an upcoming singer for the last few months, but it seemed that when i wasn't promoting his new songs on my social media accounts he waning interested in me, which hurt. I actually really liked him.

we'd been organising a casual date for a week or so but we had such different schedules that we never actually got around to going on it. when we finally agreed on a date, he never turned up.

i didn't know what to do, i knew i could just call a cab or grab food on my own, nobody really cared in hollywoo. i just didn't want to stand alone in the mall at night, with people knowing i'd just been stood up, especially because people know who i am.

i knew i had to call the only person who i wouldn't judge me for being so stupid and falling for it again. all my celebrity friends could never understand why i'd want to date someone who wasn't a big name in hollywoo, but my oldest friend truly understood where i was coming from. people also never understood why i wanted to be around my best friend, as he also wasn't a big shot, but i knew he'd be the only person that would never leave me, no matter how many mistakes i made.

i listened as my phone rang too many times than i felt comfortable with, but finally the person on the other end answered my call. 

"juni! what's up?" the voice sounded concerned, but bought me more comfort than any voice i'd heard all week.

"todd! finally, i thought you'd never answer, what took you so long!?" i answered almost immediately.

"i'm sorry, i was trying to get bojack into bed, but what's up with you? you seem sad."

"well actually, i got stood up.. again, and i was hoping you would meet me at the food court so i wouldn't look like such a loser standing here alone.."

"i'll be there in 10, you should be happy i didn't get too high tonight, i'm usually passed out on the couch by 9." he laughed trying to lighten the mood.

"just be here quick!" i put the phone down and sat on the bench and waited for my best friend.

after waiting for what felt like forever, todd finally showed up.

we decided to grab pizza which is my comfort food, it's also todd's favourite, especially after he's been smoking a bunch.

although todd isn't as big of a drinker as i am, he knew that grabbing a few bottles and drinking them with me on the walk home would lift my mood a little more.

"well this is me, are you sure you don't want me to walk you home? it's getting dark." todd asked giving me a hug goodbye.

"i'll be okay, i'll catch a cab from here, but thank you." i said pulling away from the comforting hold i was in.

todd smiled and started walking towards the gates to bojack horseman's house. while i was waving him goodbye, he turned around and said something i wasn't ready for.

"hey, why don't you come inside? bojack is in bed and he has plenty of drinks that we could 'borrow'" he winked.

"no way!! i couldn't possibly, i still haven't met him after all this time and he's kinda a big deal! i doubt he'd want someone like me stealing he's alcohol!" i panicked, even though i wanted to spend more time with todd.

todd walked back in my direction and grabbed my wrist, beginning to drag me down the driveway towards the house.

"come on! he'll be out for the night and you'll probably be gone by the time he gets up!" he pleaded, shooting me a look he knew i couldn't say no to.

i followed him gingerly down the rest of the drive before arriving at the front door. i couldn't help but gasp as i set food in the house, considering all the terrible rumours i'd heard about bojack, his house was beautiful, aside from the empty bottles scattered around the living room which made it look a little more lived in. although i never voiced my opinion on the place, i knew todd disagreed as he angrily kicked the glass to one side while mumbling not so nice things about the horse he shared the house with.

throughout the night todd and i practically emptied bojack's cupboards, not only the alcohol ones, but the food ones too.

i was going to walk home late, however todd insisted that i stay because it was dark out and i'd drank way more than i should have, i also definitely smoked more weed than i ever had before, that's todd bring a terrible influence on me, which isn't all bad as i'm usually the one making him do bad things.

i woke up the next morning completely disoriented, in a bed that was not my own, on a surface that was definitely not a bed.

i could smell something being toasted and hear people arguing. i lifted my head off the sofa and rubbed my eyes in hope of helping me wake up more.

i turned my head above the sofa and was faced with someone i recognised but didn't know.

it was bojack freaking horseman.

although i was too young to watch horsin around when it first aired, i loved the show growing up and i really looked up to the actors in the show, it hurt that the things that the press had said about him in recent years had tainted the way i saw him, i was determined to find out if he was really as terrible and drug driven as they said he was, or if he was just as sweet as he seemed back in the 90s.

"hey" i mumbled nervously.

"why were you sleeping on my couch?" he asked.

"oh i'm todd's friend! we had a few drinks here last night and it was too late to walk home. i'm sorry!" i added. his bluntness not helping my anxiety at all.

"oh." bojack spoke.

todd and bojack continued arguing over who ate all the breakfast foods, while i rested my head back onto todd's lap, hoping it would help my headache, which was becoming increasingly painful with every word shouted by the men in the kitchen.

"what's her name?" bojack asked after the toaster popped with the remaining slices of bread coming out.

"i'm still here you know" i mustered up the courage to reply. "but i'm juniper, it's nice to meet you."

"juniper?" he asked raising his eyebrows.

"yeah. juniper valentine." i deadpanned.

"that's a dumb name." bojack spoke flatly with his mouth full of toast, walking back into his bedroom.

i placed by head back in todd's lap for the second time and looked up at him. "his name is literally bojack horseman, and he's a horse, the audacity.."

we both burst out laughing.

it was nice to actually be able to hang out with todd in his own house, whenever we hung out it was always at my place or out somewhere. i never wanted to spend time at todd's house out of nervousness, it was technically bojack's house after all. i hoped that after this time, i could hang out there more, with not just todd but bojack too.

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