"You don't want anything sweet?" I asked with a smile when she stopped in front of me.

"As I see, you took care of the sweets," she answered, nodding at my cart, and I picked it up from the floor.

"You can never have enough sweets," I grinned, and she rolled her eyes at me playfully before she turned around then grabbed something. It was dark chocolate filled with orange pieces.

"Strawberry chocolate not your favourite anymore?"

"Oh, yes, but this is a tad bit better to snack."

"That's not the point right now."

"What it is then?" she asked as we started to walk down the aisle.

"I just thought we'd buy some food for the soul now that you haven't eaten almost nothing but soup and tea the past few days."

"Oh," her lips quirked into an adorable smile as her cheeks flushed. "It was a good idea. I'm actually really excited to eat everything," she confessed, and I chuckled.

"Good. Do ya need anything else?"

"Nope," she shook her head as we walked to the cashier, but then she turned down to the toiletries while I stood at the end of the queue. A few moments later, she was behind me, holding up a pink toothbrush in front of my face. "For your bathroom," she said, and I smiled at her like a fool because this simple thought meant more than anything.

I grinned at her, and when she grinned back, I knew she knew what went through my mind. It was a simple, basic thing, but it meant pretty much to me. To us.

After we both paid —I didn't even try to pay for her anymore even though I couldn't not think about how she said she was struggling because she couldn't work much the past few weeks— we finally made it home with all the food we bought.

I closed the door behind us, placed down the paper bags and took a few steps closer to Patri, slipping my arms around her waist and hugging her from behind.

"Welcome home, babylove," I mumbled into her ear with a smile before I pressed a long kiss at her cheek.

"Hmm," she hummed with a smile, laying her arms on top of mine and nestling her head to my shoulder, which only made me tighten my grip around her. "I love you," she whispered, and I pressed another kiss at her face, whereupon she turned her head to me.

"I love you more," I answered before I captured our lips in a sweet kiss, sealing our words with it and washing away the past. Because we came out of it stronger, and all that really mattered was that we were here. Together.

I walked through the house, which I always did if I came home after a long time, just to be sure that everything was fine. Actually, it had been only a few days since I checked everything, but because I slept at Patri's the last couple of days, I didn't come home, not even to pick up clean clothes. Mainly because Patri had a bunch of pieces that I gave her years ago, and to be honest, I rocked her clothes too. She wore mine, I wore hers, and that's how we spent the last couple of days.

"When was the last time you were home?" Patri asked once I walked into the kitchen, where she put our food on plates and into bowls.

"On Monday after I left you in the hospital, why?"

"No, I mean the last time you were properly home, and you slept here."

"Umm... well, that was when I was waiting for you to get home from your parents. I was working on Hand In Hand."

"Oh," her cheeks flushed, and I smiled back at her when she looked at me with a shy smile too.

"It's funny because I wrote all of my songs here in the past years, but I worked more on the one that kind of brought me back to you in the studio."

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