II. Under the Sea of Stars

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Today was the day I would finally confess.
I had spent what seemed like countless hours if not days thinking, going through every detail in my head, from the timing to the specially made dress I would wear, everything had to be perfect.
It was more than perfect. It was beyond romantic. It was everything. Even the stars themselves seemed in love, shining a beautiful glow only dwindled by you, my darling David, my glowing Northern Moon.
A quick summon, an excuse, and you soon stood before me. You probably thought I looked like a goddess, but I knew that somehow I was even more enchanted by you. I surrounded and encompassed you with my love and comfort, more than even I thought I could, as much as I physically could and hopefully more than you ever had received or thought possible, desperately pouring out my deepest, most well-guarded feelings breaking through the many walls I'd gotten so good at constructing until now. With my wanting lips I finally said the words I've wanted to tell you for so long:

"I've loved you ever since I named you."

Our first kiss was divine, we practically melted into each other! We were absolutely smitten. There was nowhere in all of Narnia and beyond I'd rather be than up against you, holding you close.

...There still isn't.

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