Suneater And Lemillion

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Characters Introduction :-
Tamaki Ajimaki - Top (Seme) also an alpha
Togata Mario - Bottom(Uke) also an omega
Hado Nejire - Best friend to both

TW⚠️🔞: boyxboy and force-ish s3x

If you guys not into this please ill ask politely to get out cause I don't want u to be disgusted. But to those who likes it, enjoy honeys😉

It's a simple day in collage, then suddenly the teachers told the whole class they're going to have a test on Monday next week. Tamaki was obviously too tired to even react but Mirio was excited to study for the test. Mirio decided that he's going to have a study session with Tamaki since he doesn't want to study alone. Tamaki agreed and said to Mirio to come by his house at 7 pm. Mirio said okay then they both leave the classroom to go to the next class.

Tamaki's POV : When Mirio wanted to do the session, I was so happy because what Mirio didn't know was I had a crush on him since we were in 2nd grade. I was also nervous because my rut week is coming and I might not be able to control myself if that day comes. The problem made me overthink. What if that day comes when I am with Mirio, I'm afraid that I will hurt him and it can ruin the relationship between us.

Mirio's POV : I was proud of myself that I actually had the guts to ask Tamaki about the session. I was nervous and trembling because I low-key has a crush on him but I don't actually know. This feeling that I have for him is somewhat weird and very complicated. I have to toughened up tho because I'm meeting him at his house at 7 or was it 8? Oh my god, why do I have to forgot about it now. Urghhh. Anyways I can't wait for my classes to end.

Reader's view:

The day ended and everyone had gone home. Mirio was excited and thought that since the session starts at 7, he's gonna buy some takoyaki so they can eat while studying. After buying the food, he went home for a while to take a shower and change his clothes. He wanted to look nice, after all he is meeting his crush-ish. He checked himself in the mirror multiple time. For the 7th time he finally agreed with himself that he looks good. He went out of his house bringing the food and some books, then went straight to Tamaki's house.

He(Mirio) arrived at the front anterrance and called him. Tamaki answers the phone and told Mirio to come up first since he was still in the shower. Mirio said okay and took the lift. The house was on far left, number 22. Mirio saw the house and rang the door. Not long after that, Tamaki open the door with his wet purple hair, a simple gray shorts and his adorable star patched black t-shirt. He welcomed Mirio in and told him to sit at the couch. He(T) asked if he(M) wanted some water or anything to drink, Mirio said he doesn't want any and gave Tamaki the takoyaki he bought earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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