10 minutes later Percival was half way up the wall and sticking one of the swords he had in his belt into the wall which he used as a peg to haul himself further up the wall where he stuck another sword into the wall and hauled himself further up. One more sword and he had reached rock he could climb with his hands. It didn’t take long for him to reach the top.

“What can you see Percival!!”, Arthur yelled.

“I’m not sure!!”, Percival yelled “I think there’s some sort of lock”

“Do you think you can break it?!!”, Arthur asked.

“I don’t think so!!!”, Percival yelled.

“Alright Percival, come down!!!”


When Gwaine came round he was lying on a cold, stone floor with a pounding headache. He sat up and looked around. He was in what appeared to be a prison cell.

The cell was almost empty. The only things there were him, some food and water and a bench covered in a blanket pretending to be a bed. Looking to his left, Gwaine saw an almost identical cell through the bars and past that another one. On his other side it was the same story. Though he was obviously in one of many cells he seemed to be the only person in there.

“Hello Gwaine”, came a voice that he new only too well.

“Hello Morgana”, He said.

Morgana appeared from the shadows and came to stand in front of his cell.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t get you some better accommodation”, she purred “But somehow this felt more appropriate”

“Just like old times”, Gwaine said.

“My sentiment exactly”, Morgana said “Come closer so I can see you better”. When Gwaine didn’t move she stuck out her hand and he found himself pulled against the bars by some invisible force. The cold metal dug into his wound causing him pain, he did his best to hide it but Morgana noticed despite his efforts.

“Now what’s this? You’re wounded”, She said using her best concerned voice “Here, let me take a look at it”

Gwaine tried to resist her but he couldn’t move more than a few millimetres. Her hand were icy cold against his skin and as she ran her fingers along the gash he found it strangely soothing. She began to mutter something he couldn’t understand and her eyes flashed amber. When they did, the pain in his chest began to lessen and before long there was nothing left of the wound that had once been there.

“Thanks”, He said “I needed that”

“Oh I hate to see my favourite knight of Camelot in pain” Morgana said, somehow sounding completely convincing and yet completely untrustworthy at the same time “After all”, she continued “You’ll need all your strength”

“What for?”, Gwaine asked. Visions of fighting strong, well trained men flashed through his memory.

“All in good time sir knight, all in good time”, Morgana said. She turned and walked away back down the corridor. Gwaine watched her go before slumping down on the bed. He ran his fingers over what used to be mangled flesh but now bore no trace of the past few days.

“So Morgana”, He said to himself “Here we go again”


Arthur lay on the hard floor, trying to sleep. He’d been trying to sleep for a long time now but his mind was still too full of thoughts.

They had been trying to find a way to beat the lock but so far it had held firm.

He stood up and began to pace. There were no doors, no windows, no ways to escape apart from up. How could they continue to live like this, completely at the mercy of whoever was keeping them in this awful pit. His thoughts drifted to Gwaine. What was happening to him? Was he alright? Was he even still alive? It was torture. He felt completely responsible for anything that happened to him. He leaned against the wall and found Merlin staring at him.

The Angels In The Game (Merlin Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now