Perpectual Pasts

956 16 15

Flash back *****

9 months earlier:

"Hey sweet candy!"
"Oh Marcy don't call me that!" Bonnie said with a giggle
She walked over to the vampire with two glasses of dyed red, just for Marcy, khoolaid.
They both watched a movie called Heat Signature on a fully pillowed couch. ( earlier Bubblegum conplained about how the couch was hard as a rock )
" BEST MOVIE EVAR!!!" Said a fangirling Marcy
Bonnibel just looked over from the other side of the couch eating popcorn as Marcy unwinded the VCR and started the process of rewinding so she could watch it for a second time. They were very snugg in a sea of pillows and quilts.
God she's so beautiful thought bonnibel.
That's it, it's been 2 months of dating, I'm going to make the first move. Thought a confident Bonnie.
After 5 minutes of rewinding and mental preparation Bonnie slightly whispered Marcy's name losing a chunk of the confidence she had when thinking to herself.
"Yeah what is it I'm about to rewin-!"
Marcelines sentence and train of thought all melted away at a sudden stop when she was interrupted.
Bonnibel had leaned, almost pounced towards Marcy who was laying on the other side of the couch
Bubblegum was on all fours directly above Marceline, Leaning atop.
"Um hey..." Said Marcy nervously"
Bonnie once again surprising the queen by pressing her lips against her.

Marcy was caught of guard but quickly adjusted within seconds she had recollected her thoughts and began to kiss Bonnibel back.
They both became passionate as they felt the tension melt away.
Months of waiting for the wall to be broken, and finally, release.
It felt like a flood gate had been opened between them and a rush of passion and emotion filled up within them.
Marcy made a dare with herself and quickly without warning or hesitation stuck her tongue into Bonnie's lips.
For a moment Marcy opened her eyes to see a surprised and blushing Bubblegum above her. "She's so cute when she's flustered"


hey, hey, hey, things are getting heated can't you just feel the heat signature rising "snorts" well I won't be updating to soon but maybe with this week if I remember ;)


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2015 ⏰

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