Chapter 2: The Dream

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⚠️TW: mentions of beating to death, prisons, and drugs⚠️

Tommy's POV:
The headmaster said Freddie and Eryen had to show the boo boy and the Purple boy around I feel sorry for them.

Anyways lunch time comes around, I look around and spot Deo I run over to him and sit down across from him, "hay man," "sup Tommy, how've you been," Deo asks with a smirk, "I've been good but I had one of those really weird dreams again," his eyebrows scrunch up as his smirk falls into a frown, "what happened this time," he asks all concerned.

I sighed before explaining, "well... I was stuck in a prison with someone named 'Dream' we got into an argument it's already gotten kind of physical and then I mention my dad being dead and that I saw his grave and then the guy said these haunting words, 'then why don't you go say hi' before beating me to death," I say looking down at my food.

I then looks up at Deo who had looked like he'd seen a ghost, "Tommy you NEED to tell your parents about these dreams you've been having them since what 5th year and you haven't told anyone except Tubbo, Eryn, Freddie, Luke, Bit, and me, you can't keep hiding it you have to tell them."

I think for a moment and sigh, "you're right Deo I need to tell them," "good I'm glad we had this talk," he says with a long pause, "anyways I-"

He gets cut off by the bell "welp see you around," I say to him while ruffling his brown-ish black-ish hair.

He chuckles, "see you later sun boy."

After my last few classes I got on the train with Luke and Bit, we don't really have any classes with each other so we usually all catch up on the train, soon my stop comes and I get off wave goodbye and walk the rest of the way home.

I open the door and am greeted with, "sup loser," coming from the couch, "Nice to see you too Boffy," I yell back at him, "how was school," he asks, "it was fine mr. 'I'm-too-good-for-your-prissy-British-school-even-if-I-am-British-and-I-got-expelled-and-now-I-do-graffiti-and-drugs-in-my-free-time'" I yell back at him,

He snorts, "well you're not wrong brother, I was too good for that school," I smirk, "I think you mean BIG brother," "yeah by like a minute we're twins dingus," he yells.

I walk upstairs to my room and take off all my school junk, I did the rest of my homework on the train anyways.

Soon I walk back downstairs and sit next to my brother watching some random video on his phone, "hay have you seen Papa or Dad," I ask, "yeah they went out for groceries," he says not looking up from his phone, "you know that Papa can't be trusted in the store alone so Dad went with him."

"ah, cool," I say, "why you need them for something," he questioned, "well, I've decided to talk to them about my dreams that I get," he looks up from his screen wide eyed before smiling, "well that's good," "um, by the way has Ty come back home yet," his smile goes back to its original sate, "no, I'm sorry Toms," "it's fine I just hope that he comes back soon," "yeah, me too Tommy, me too,"

End of Chapter 2

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