Elle squinted her eyes when she raised them up at the sky, the water shower seemingly not ending anytime soon. Despite the possibility of getting sick, she still stopped and shut her eyes close, feeling the rain drain her whole face. "Please," she whispered desperately and as if her prayers had been answered, she soon heard two familiar voices ring out from behind her, the women bickering about something.

"Child you look horrible," Polly Gray exclaimed as she stood under an umbrella, Ada standing close to her aunt to shelter herself from the rain Eleanor seemed to swim in. Elle snapped her eyes up at the two women, feeling her body shake slightly from cold and fright since the woman's voice brought her out of her unearthly experience. "Did you even try to outrun the rain?"

Eleanor continued to stare at the women she lied to, only Polly slowly getting accustomed to the blonde. Elle hated the fact she already enjoyed Polly's company, even if the woman still kept her distance. Ada was another story, but even the short haired girl seemed quiet upon seeing Eleanor stare at the night sky this calmly. "I'm all right," Eleanor finally told the women, still standing in the rain as Polly's curious eyes continued to stare at Elle.

Ada snickered slightly so Eleanor pursed her lips, still experiencing Ada's unwanted wrath. "Did you finish the paperwork I left you today?" the younger female asked Eleanor, having gone somewhere once again, and Elle was pretty certain Ada was only seeing some man since whenever she'd come back, she'd smell of men's shaving cream.

"Yes, left them on the desk you work at... I also decided to finish another paperwork from two weeks ago, so apologies if that wasn't what you wanted me to do," Eleanor answered, hiding her bag underneath her coat again even if it was soaked already. "Oh, and... I left you my calculations. There seemed to be a few mistakes."

"Who do you think you are?" Ada seethed, standing her ground despite being shorter and less strong than Elle, however, she didn't leave Polly's umbrella, causing Eleanor to stare at the young girl dully. "You come here, you talk back and think you already own everything. If I had my way with you, you'd be on your knees, begging for your place in our family."

"Ada," Polly trailed off with a sigh but it seemed Eleanor didn't care much about Ada's words, having more to her plate than some unpreceded jealousy.

"I have no idea what Tommy sees in you, but I only see a thirsty whore, who just wants some danger," Ada bit devilishly as Eleanor felt her calm smile vanish. She hated being called names, but being called a whore crossed the line. Always.

But she knew she couldn't break. Calm as death itself, Eleanor smiled again, her red lips widening, which infuriated Ada even more. "I do not understand why you're so territorial?" Elle then asked, trying to sound as collected as possible, but the vein on her neck gave away her irritation. "From the looks of it, we're both on the same boat here, working for your brother. So whatever authority you think you have over me, I must warn, will not work.  I'm not here to whore out either, Miss Shelby, I'm here to work, which I've actually done today, instead of going to meet my lady friend, whose body reeks shaving cream. I'm not sure I'm caught up with the latest fashion, but it's definitely not what ladies like to smell as."

Ada's face flushed as Eleanor stared at her openly. Polly tried not to smirk at her niece, who although was going through rough times with her Freddie and pregnancy, needed to be brought out from her spoilt nature. Ada didn't say anything then, just left the umbrella Polly still held, opened the door to her home and entered, slamming the door on both Elle and Polly. "Ada has problems with her man," Polly informed so Eleanor sighed deeply, watching Polly approach her before she placed the umbrella above Elle's head, guarding her from the rainfall finally, even if it was too late. "But good for you for speaking against her. You hold yourself well I believe you might survive just fine."

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