xv. violet fucking langley

Start from the beginning

On the day of Fred's date with Violet (who had returned to the shop some days later to give her number to him as well as to decide when they would meet up), Edith woke up more anxious than ever before. She barely slept the night before, instead tossing and turning and thinking about all the hardships of her life. About all the things she wanted to say to her father but didn't know if she'd find the courage to would she come face-to-face with him again.

Despite feeling like a part of her had been missing since he left and wanting to meet up with him, Edith was no more than a little kid when she last saw him. Who was to say her image of him was no more than a figment of her imagination, something she had made up to shield her from the actual truth? She had no way of knowing for sure he even wanted to get in touch with her. For all she knew, he could be back in town on business or for various other reasons. For all she knew, he didn't want to see her.

So she spent the whole of the following day trying to get her mind off it all. She attempted to distract herself by working in the Joke Shop, preoccupying herself even on her lunch break.

The whole ordeal didn't go unnoticed by Fred, who started to grow worried about his 'friend'. Despite their complicated relationship and not really knowing where they stood with one another, he cared. He cared a whole lot. He maybe even cared too much.

"You okay? You've not said a word to me all day", he asked when night slowly crept up on them and it was nearing closing time. "You're not angry with me, are you?".

"No I am not. Surprisingly". Edith replied, giving Fred a weak smile as she stopped her pacing back and forth.

Fred took her hands in his, adding to the crimson blush on her cheeks.

"You know you can talk to me. Despite everything we've been through, I am here. I will always be here". He embraced the brunette, kissing her head as he held her, never wanting to let go. It took the anxious girl somewhat by surprise, but she was soon finding herself grateful for his comforting embrace. It felt nice to know, that despite everything that had happened between the two of them, all the drama, they had learnt to trust each other again.

"I honestly don't know what I'd do without you", the girl whispered into his neck, scoffing nervously. "Thank you for being here".

They unwrapped their arms from each other, Edith wiping a stray tear from her cheek and Fred scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Any time", the ginger beamed.

"Hey, one more thing. I was wondering if I could get off work early again tomorrow. I've got to see if anyone's seen my dad around".

Fred looked up from the floor. "You've not gotten in touch with him yet?".

"No, and the only information I have is the one my mum gave me. I've been around town asking if anyone's seen him and to tell me if and when they do, but it hasn't really gotten me anywhere. Besides, I'm not entirely sure myself, if I want to see him".

"We both know that's bollocks. For as long as I've known you, you've talked my ear off about finding your dad". Edith smiled at the comment. "You know you want answers and this is your chance. Can't you just write to him? Ask to meet up with him?".

Edith started tracing about the room once more, while Fred changed the "open" sign to "closed".

"I can't. I have no idea where he is staying, or even if he has a permanent address. I would've asked my mum, but...".

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