A new friend

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Harry was standing between station 9 and 10 panicking on how to get on platform nine and three quarters. He was desperately thinking 'Had Hagrid forgotten to tell him how to get on to the platform; Should take out his wand and start poking the ticket counter between the two platforms'. When he heard a girl talk behind him

"Yes mum, Professor McGonagall said that we have to run straight into the wall to get on platform nine and three quarters" she finished exasperated.

Harry whipped around and started walking behind the girl and her mother and father until he caught up with them and said

"Excuse me, don't take me as crazy but do you know how to get onto platform nine and three quarters?"

The girl started to show signs of distress and said "There is no platform nine and three quarters, see" she pointed at the two numbers 9 and 10 indicating the platforms. Harry knew why the girl was panicking and said "Aren't you also going to Hogwarts?"

She visibly relaxed and started to speak in a hushed voice "Are you a wizard!" she turned and pointed at the wall between platforms 9 and 10 and said "All you need to do is walk straight through that wall and don't be nervous that is the key otherwise you might crash, understood"

"Yes" he said

Harry turned towards the wall and trotted towards the wall, he closed his eyes and waited for the crash but to his utter surprise he was standing in front of a long red train billowing smoke out of it's engine. There were owls flying around, cats walking around, children saying goodbyes to their parents. He suddenly remembered that the girl might come through and quickly stood aside and waited for the girl to come through.

A second later she came through with her parents and looked at him with a huge grin on her face and said "Let's find a compartment". Harry set down the platform to find a partially empty compartment. He was looking around with increased agility trying to take in everything at once. When his thoughts were interrupted by the girl as she started to introduce herself "I'm Hermione Granger and you might be Harry Potter aren't you?"

Harry looked around at her and said

"Oh him-yes me I am Harry Potter nice to meet you"

"I was right, you are Harry Potter-" she was cut off by Harry as he found an empty compartment and said "Here this is an empty compartment let's get on" as he started to pull his trunk but was having trouble but Hermione's father helped him and Hermione get on the train as her mother said "Take care dear, and make some friends and have a good term. Bye".

Hermione looked flustered at this statement and said "Bye mum I'll take care, Harry here might be my friend" as she finished Harry found an empty seating area and helped Hermione settle down.

Harry took the initiative and started talking to her "So Hermione you didn't have many friends while you were at muggle school?". This did not have the effect Harry had hoped for because Hermione started tearing up. Harry noticed this and said "No no I didn't mean anything by I also didn't have friends at my muggle school though I think they might wanted to be had it not been for Dudley"

Hermione looked at him incredulously and said "How do I know you aren't just saying that to make me feel better"

Harry pointed at his almost broken spectacles and said "Do you think that much damage can happen without someone punching me and look at my clothes" he looked down at his which were about three times his size and continued "Don't you think I would have my own clothes"

Hermione looked at him for a moment and said "Okay I believe you, will yo-y-you be m-my friend?" Hermione stuttered whilst speaking the last of her words. Harry reflexively replied "Yes".

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now