Shinsuke and Atsumu stared at each other.


"It's not what ya think!" Out of fright, the setter exclaimed before he slapped a hand over his mouth, taking a peek at Rei's face. There was no indication that the sitter woke up at all. "Phew— Kita-san, lemme explain." Atsumu hissed out, hands clasped with each other in a begging position. He didn't want to die yet, okay?!

"'s'fine. Rei prolly pulled ya in without tellin' ya an'thing. It's kinda surprisin' he's asleep though." The calm way Kita Shinsuke spoke made Atsumu blink in bewilderment. Did he hear it right? Did their captain just say what happened to him earlier?

So... I ain't goin' tah hell?

A sigh of relief left Atsumu, his shoulders losing their tension. "That, Kita-san, what should I do? I hafta leave, ya know?" When Shinsuke shook his head, the setter's smile had gone stiff. "Yer sleepin' 'ere tonight."

"..." - insert Atsumu turning into stone. "W-Wait, Kita-san, did'cha just say—?"

"Yes, yer sleepin' 'ere tonight."




When Atsumu woke up, he had only been asleep for about two hours.

The entire night, his brain refused to let him sleep as stared at Rei's sleeping face. That and the fact that Rei clung onto him made it hard for Atsumu to go in dreamland in the first place. Come on, his crush was hugging him tight, how was he supposed to fall asleep?!

He would relish in that moment for as long as he could!

Plus, even if he moved around, Rei didn't seem to mind. He would just move in his sleep and hug him in a different way to get comfortable. Atsumu went into dreamland around three in the morning and now that it was five, he found himself staring at the sharp features of Rei's.

The more he stared, the more he couldn't tear his eyes away. There was a certain air around Rei at that moment that made Atsumu pause his thoughts. He didn't even realize that he was leaning closer to his crush's face until the tips of their noses touched.

... WHY THE FUCK AM I SUCH A HORNY LIL SHIT?! Atsumu was about to put some distance between their faces when the arm around his waist suddenly pulled him closer, causing the setter to bury his face into the crook of Rei's neck. All of a sudden, there was no more space separating them other than their own clothes.

Atsumu's entire face heat up.

When the setter tried to pull his head back, he was greeted by a pair of sunflower eyes staring right through his soul. The intensity of those yellow irises almost made him faint. "Lil Fox?" Oh my god, I'm gonna fucking die. Rei's morning voice was hot.

"I thought Shinsuke woulda made ya leave last night."


The arm around Atsumu's waist loosened yet the setter didn't move away, his previous embarrassment dissipating when he realized that he had to go to practice now and would have to leave Rei's side. And so, the shameless setter embraced the startled Rei around the other's torso.

Without a hint of shyness, Atsumu planted a soft long kiss at the crook of the other's neck. When he pulled away, he shot the stunned Rei a cheeky grin. "I'll see ya at practice, Rei." And with that, the shameless setter dashed out of the room as fast as he could before his embarrassment caught up to him.

Meanwhile, the baffled Rei stayed in his last position, staring wide-eyed at the place where Atsumu had been all this time. Heat crept up to his cheeks as the sitter grabbed the forgotten blankets and hid his entire face under.

They're gonna be the death of me—



Osamu, who had just finished brushing his teeth, screamed profanities when the door to the bathroom slammed open. Fuck, I almost broke the mirror! "Asshole, what's the big idea bargin' in like some kinda wild animal?!" But when he took a careful look at his twin, Osamu blinked.

"What's up with ya? No, no, the question is; where the fuck have ya been all night, Tsumu? Ya didn't even answer any calls—"

"Samu, punch me."

"— and ya... what?"

"Punch. Me. In. The. Fucking. Face."

"Did'cha hit yer head or somethin'?"

"Just do it, ya asshat!"

However, before Osamu could do his brother's request, Suna popped up behind the setter and smacked him upside the head. "Shut up. It's still so early in the morning, dumbass."

"Ah, it wasn't a fuckin' dream!"

Osamu and Suna watched as Atsumu skipped around like some sort of idiot, metaphorical flowers blooming around him. The two shared a questioning look.

What the fuck was up with that perfectionist?



*s c r e e c h*

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*s c r e e c h*

Tsumu finally got his chance 😭 I'm so proud of you, Tsumu 🤧


Proud of Atsumu's accomplishment as well


Miss the moment when he gets bullied and gives you second-hand embarrassment

Miss the moment when he gets bullied and gives you second-hand embarrassment

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