Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

"I love you too"

They kissed and went in seperate directions.

Callie, Kelly, Owen, and Meredith were in a trauma room with a patient who was unrecognizable after being hit and dragged by a bus. The paramedic was performing CPR before Callie took over. "Push 20 of etomidate and 100 of sux", Owen ordered. The girl the patient had saved, Amanda walked in. "He saved my life. The bus was gonna hit me, he threw me out of the way", she explained. "Ripa, get her out of here", Callie ordered.

"It was supposed to be me under the bus. He's all alone. They don't even know who he is. Please!"

Kelly sighed. "Stand over there and just don't move", she said. The monitor started a steady beep. "He's back", Meredith informed. "Let's get a trauma series, trauma labs and O neg blood in here", Callie said. "Severe avulsion injury to the left forearm"

They began to peel off the bandages covering his face. His face was completely dismembered. "Skull's bashed in. Page Shepherd!" Owen said. "And Sloan", Callie added.

"Start antibiotics and start cleaning out those wounds"

Amanda then got sick. Callie looked at Kelly. "Now can you get her out of here?" she asked.

Derek was checking on Lucy, while Alex held her hand and Cristina stood nearby. "Did you get the whole thing?" Lucy asked. "Did you get the whole tumour out?"

"Just let me finish my exam. Can you tell me your name?"

"My name is Lucinda Shepherd, it's 2009 and I'm in the Neuro ICU at Seattle Grace Hospital. Did you get the damn thing out?"

"Got the whole damn thing, baby blue"

"You got it!"


"Oh, God, you got the whole thing. You're a good brother. Now I can talk and I know my name. And I'm not a turnip!"

"Nope", Alex agreed. "No offense, you are a great surgeon", she said to Derek. But I really thought I was gonna be a turnip. This is so unbelievably great!"

"Your kidneys are a little bit sluggish, so we're gonna keep an eye on your electrolytes for a few hours", Cristina said. "Your post-op crit was fine".

"Ok, good. Good"

She sighed and then her smile faded. "How'd the surgery go?" she asked them. "Did you get the brain tumour? Did you get it out?" "Lucy, you just asked him that. We just talked about it", Alex said. "No, no. It's ok. She's gonna be foggy for a while. The tumour's out", Derek said. "There was a little bleeding during the post"

"You got it?" she exclaimed.


"All of it? That's amazing! Derek Shepherd, you are a good brother! And I know that that's Derek Shepherd and you're Alex. And you should kiss me"

He smiled and kissed her.

"Alex, I don't have a brain tumour. I'm tumour free"

"Yes, you are"

"What's wrong? Why do you look weird?"

"Nothing. Nothing", Cristina reassured. "Your kidneys are a little slow. We're just gonna watch them".

"Ok, so you'll just re-check my electrolytes in an hour. Ok. How'd the surgery go? Did you get the tumour?"

"We did", Derek said, trying to smile with tears in his eyes. "Tumour's gone. There was a little bit of bleeding and we took care of that".

"You got it? Oh, my god! And I can talk and you didn't kill me. What's wrong with you people? We should be celebrating".

Derek and Alex were talking outside of the room. "She's like the woman who couldn't remember her husband was dead", Alex said. "We had to keep telling her every five minutes".

That Would Be Enough-Grey's Anatomy AU Book 5Where stories live. Discover now