14. Battery Operated (Scott Lang/Ant-man)

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   That was my 'flopping happily on the couch after a long day' sound. I pulled my favorite green blanket off the back of the couch and curled up under it with only my head peeking out. With the blanket and my comfy home clothes on, I was nearly content... The day had drained me, though, and I honestly just wanted to do absolutely nothing for the rest of the night.
   An object on the coffee table suddenly caught my eye. It was my phone, which I had tossed there on my hurried way to my bedroom. There really wasn't a lot there to entice me to grab it, other than the fact that I hadn't texted Scott, my partner, since I had left work and he was likely curious as to why I wasn't answering the message I knew he sent, but hadn't read yet. Wearily, I slid my hand out from under the blanket and plucked the tiny touch screen device off the table. As I pushed the button to wake it up, though, I was instantly greeted with a 'low battery; connect to charger' notification. Ignoring the pop-up, I tapped the screen to pull up the message app.
   "Drive safe, sweetie! Can't wait to text ya later." His last text read. I began typing in my favorite emoji as a reply when my front door opened.
   He walked surprisingly quietly and slowly through the house, until he peeked in the living room and saw that I was awake, and then he wandered jauntily over to me. "Hey, sweetie."
   "Hey mister." I smiled at him over my blanket.
   "Are you okay?" He asked, sitting on the edge of the sofa near my feet. "You're all bundled up like a burrito!"
   I chuckled slightly. "No, I feel like my phone."
   He looked confused, so I showed him the pop-up notification. 'Battery at 5%'. He grinned a little half smile and nodded.
   "Well, it's a good thing I brought charging cables with me!" He joked, scooting forwards and then leaning over to give me an awkward hug, because I was laying down, which made it difficult. I instantly began to feel a tiny bit better, though, and pulled my arms out of their warm covering to wrap around him.
   "Are you charging, my little battery operated sweetheart?"
   "Battery at 12%." I joked.
   "Hmm, we'll have to fix that." He told me, smiling.
   Gently, he pulled me up onto his lap and rested my head on his shoulder. His arms wrapped around me, holding me close, and I curled up happily in his embrace. With a sigh of happiness, I kissed his cheek and he smiled in response. We cuddled like that for a little bit, chatting here and there, and I could tell both of us started feeling a lot better after a time of hugs and quiet moments together. It was kind of crazy how good his hugs could make me feel.
   "Feeling better?" He asked after a while.
   "Much. I'm thinking we need to call for delivery instead of getting up and cooking, though." I told him.
   He chuckled. "Pizza it is."

(Published August 28, 2021)

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